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Sorry for the wait, it's just I've had MAJOR writer's block... However, my little fanfiction is coming to an end... Well, this one is... I may write a sequel... Who knows.... BUT I have two other fan fictions that ya'll should check out. ANd I have another one that I'm working on!!! CHECK THEM OUT PLEASE:)


Three Months later:

Evidently, Alice had planned my whole wedding for me to make up for Edward. I was pretty happy that I wouldn't have to do anything, but I got to pick the dress. It was white(DUH) and it had lace up and down. There was no back and it was beautiful. It was the eve of m wedding, and I was getting "beauty sleep", as Alice calls it. I was to reports to the Cullens at nine tomorrow, and then they would do my hair and makeup. Emily and Alice were my maids of honor, and Quil's imprint, Claire, was my flower girl. I yawned and I headed to my dresser for my PJs. I pulled them on and crawled into my bed. This was my last night as Isabella Swan.Tomorrow, my name would be Bella Call. I smiled at the sound of that, and I sank down into my pillows.

Sunlight beamed through my eyeslids and I opened my eyes. I streched and yawned nousuly. Renee knocked on the door and said, "Bella, it's eight thirty. You need to get to the Cullens. Get in the shower quickly!"

I slid out of bed and crawled to my bathroom. I turned on the water and I stripped down. I jumped in and quickly haved, washed my hair, and rinsed. I stepped out and quickly dried off. I walked back in and I changed into sweats and a tee. I grabbed my car keys and went downstairs.

Renee said, "Vamos, mi hija."

I laughed and got in my car and drove to the Cullens. Alice ran outside and she scooped me up. She ran into the house with me and brought me to the bathroom. She sat me down and began brushing my hair. She pulled it through my hair as she screeched at me, "You're giving me only three hours to get you ready. The wedding's at three!!!"

I laughed as she began braiding my damp hair. She braided it and then pulled it up. She twirled me around and then she put foundation on my face. THen she put some mocha eeliner, dark eyeshadow, and pink lipgloss. Soon, it was 11:00. She screamed, "Rosalie!! GET THE DRESS!!!"

Rosalie flew in with a large garment bag and she handed to Alice and left. Then Alicesaid, "Strip."

I pulled off my sweats and tee and stood there in my dignity. She threw me te dress and I pulled it on carefully. She approved and she said, "You look beautiful."

I smiled and blushed. She said, "C'mon, it's nearly time. We have like five minutes. Carlisle is walking you down the aisle. I have to go get dressed."

I nodded and Carlisle walked in. He said, "You look stunning." I smiled and said, "Thanks!"

Alice rushed in and said, "It's time!"

I smiled and she brought me to the corridor off of the aisle. Little Claire in her outfit was already walking down the aisle. I looked around and about two hundred people were there. I looked towards the altar and the bridegroom winked at me. I smiled back and he mouthed, "YOu look gorgeous."

I smiled and mouthed, "ou don't look so bad yourself." He chuckled and Carlisle whispered, "It's time, Bella."

I put my arm through his and the music playeed loudly. He broght me down the aisle and kissed my cheek. He liffted my veil and went to his seat. The minister rang, "Please sit. We have gathered here today for the union of these two people, Emry Call and Isabella Swan. Now, Will you, Embry Call, have Isabella Swan to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort and keep her, and forsaking all other remain true to her as long as you both shall live?"

Embry smiled and took my hands. He said in a clear and sure voice, "Hell yeah. I mean, sorry, I will."

The crowd laughed and Embry said, "I, Embry Call, take you, Bella SwaN, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully Through the best and the worst, Through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold So I give you my life to keep So help me God."

I said, "I, Isabella Swan, take you Embry Call, to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever I will trust you and honor you I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully Through the best and the worst, Through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold So I give you my life to keep So help me God."

The minister said, "I now declare you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

There was a chorus of applause as Embry pulled my face into his hand and, he kissed me.



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