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"It's your turn," you mumbled, irritated by the seemingly unending wailing coming from the room next door.

"No it's not. I changed her an hour ago," Josh groaned back.

"Yeah, and then I fed her a half hour ago," you countered.

"Fine." Josh slid out of the comfort of your bed. You immediately missed the warmth that he was always radiating and hoped that it wouldn't take long to sooth the six month old that was on a mission to make you two as sleep deprived as possible. The crying continued and it was finally starting to get to you. Call it a motherly instinct or whatever, but you knew Josh wasn't going to give her what she needed. However, you gave it another minute in hopes that your feeling was wrong.

"Let me see her," you croaked as you walked into the nursery still half asleep. Josh handed the infant over to you and she almost immediately calmed down.

"How on earth?"

"Sometimes you just need your mother," you smiled, "isn't that right Y/D/N?" You were met with a small grin spread across your daughter's face. You were never going to get sick of seeing that smile. Even with how absolutely annoying she was being at this very moment.

Within minutes you were able to rock your daughter back to sleep and set her back in her crib. Josh grabbed your hand and you both made your way back to the bedroom, crawling under the sheets again. After a few minutes of trying to find a comfortable position, Josh asked, "are you even tired anymore? Because I'm wide awake."

"Nope," you complained.

"Well in that case.." Josh leaned in and your lips met in a heated kiss. His hand slipped under your shirt and rested on your waist.

"Mm-Josh." His lips slipped down to your neck, almost instantly turning you on. "What about the baby? We'll wake her up."

"I guess you'll just have to stay quiet," he growled, bringing his lips back to yours. You two hadn't been able to do anything since your daughter was born. She took up all of your time, and when she wasn't you were both trying to catch up on sleep.

Your hands roamed across his bare chest, fingers running across his defined muscles. His right hand was rubbing circles right above the waistband of your shorts, sending chills through your entire body.

"Missed this," he mumbled against your lips. Josh's hands tugged at the hem of your shirt, urging you to sit up so he could pull it off. "So beautiful." His lips reattached to yours. But it wasn't long before you pressed him down into the mattress and swung your leg over his hips so that you were now straddling him.

He let out a low groan as you pressed your hips down against his. As you repeated this action, his hands snaked around you and lightly squeezed your ass. He kept pulling you down against his growing erection, causing a few quiet moans to slip from your lips.

Josh soon became impatient and flipped the two of you back over. He then quickly discarded your shorts and started trailing kisses down your body. His warm breath causing you to shudder as he went lower and lower. He stopped at the waistband of your underwear, moving slightly towards the right and biting down softly on your skin.

Josh was always coming up with new ways to essentially torture you in bed. He always took his time with things, especially when you were writhing under his touch like you were right now. You tried lifting your hips to encourage the discarding of your underwear, however he firmly pressed them back down and went to work on another hickey.

"Babe, come on. I'm dying here," you whined. You felt Josh smirk against your skin before he brought his hand up and rubbed you lightly through the fabric of your underwear. You shuddered once more at his touch and again tried moving your hips to encourage him to do literally anything other than staying completely still. He quickly moved both of his hands to your hips and pressed down, lifting his head so that he could look at you.

"Somebody's antsy tonight," he teased.

"Well it's kinda been a year since we've done this. So yeah, I'm a little antsy," you shot back. He immediately returned his attention back to your body, and took the waistband of your panties between his teeth. His eyes flickered back up to yours as he agonizingly slowly pulled the fabric down your legs, eventually flinging it across the room. Josh's head ducked back between your legs as he trailed kisses down your inner thighs. You resisted the urge to move closer to him in fear that he would completely back away.

You were rewarded with his mouth finally moving to your core, and you let out an embarrassingly loud moan. Josh lifted his head and gave you a disapproving look. "Y/N. You gotta stay quiet if you want to do this, baby." You bit your lip and nodded quickly, just wanting his lips back against you. It took everything in you to stay quiet as Josh resumed his previous actions. Your fingers found their way into his hair, tugging at the roots as his mouth continued to work you.

As your breathing became more rapid and your grip on Josh's hair became tighter, you knew it was going to be impossible to stay silent. A few breathy moans came out and Josh gripped your thighs tighter in response.

"Josh," you whined. That's all it took for him to slide back up your body, leaving you a panting mess. Instead of chastising you again, he leaned down and left a few more kisses on your lips. Your hands made their way down to his boxers and slid them down as far as you could get them. He helped remove them completely and hovered back over you.

"You gonna stay quiet?" he asked. You nodded, thinking about how you would agree to anything at this point. You could feel him press against your entrance, and held your breath as he pushed inside of you. You bit down hard on your lower lip to refrain from letting out the moan that was stuck in your throat. Josh quickly picked up a steady rhythm and brought you back in for a deep kiss.

He started thrusting into you faster, obviously lost in his own headspace. Your nails dragged down his back as ecstasy rippled through you. In the heat of the moment, you let out a high pitched moan, forgetting about the baby that was fast asleep in the next room. Josh didn't falter at all, but simply brought one of his hands over your mouth to muffle the moans that you could no longer hold back. His other hand reached up and gripped the headboard, allowing him to press against the spot that made your toes curl. You wrapped your legs around his waist, urging him to go deeper inside of you, letting out another round of moans as he complied. Josh picked up his pace, picking up on how close you were to finishing without having to be told.

"Fuck, Y/N. So hot-," he groaned, "can't even stay quiet when I fuck you like this." You couldn't produce words anymore so you let out another moan that was muffled by Josh's hand. You no longer had control over anything as the knot in your stomach tightened. "Come on babe. Cum for me." And with those words you couldn't hold on any longer. You felt yourself release and a few profanities mixed with Josh's name came out of your mouth.

It only took a few more thrusts before Josh was releasing inside of you, his head buried in your neck in attempts to keep his own words quiet. After catching his breath, Josh collapsed against the bed next to you. The two of you sat laid there for a few minutes, simply enjoying each other's presence. It wasn't often that you could just relax like this. Even though you were both sweaty, Josh wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you so that you were cuddled up against him.

"That was a lot harder than I thought it would be," he laughed.

"Yeah, but it sounds like she's still sleeping," you smiled. And is if on cue, a loud wail resonated throughout the house. You both groaned in unison.

"Well, it was nice while it lasted," Josh said, pulling his boxers back on and going to check on your daughter. You couldn't help but smile at the thought of your little family, letting your thoughts drift to what was in store for the three of you. These thoughts helped sooth you to sleep, and by the time Josh came back into the bedroom you were already dreaming.


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