Sick as Frick

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Request: could u write one where you're close with Josh and Tyler so you go on tour with them, helping out, etc, and you get really sick while on tour so they look after you xxxx

"You can just set that over there," one of the other crew members told you as you started unpacking equipment from one of the gigantic boxes. You had been asked to join Josh and Tyler on tour. The official reasoning being that you would help set up and take down everything they needed for the shows, but you knew the boys just wanted to bring you along as their friend. However, as much as they begged you to just come hang out with them when you arrived at a venue, you always denied them. Fearing that the guilt would be overwhelming if you didn't at least lend a hand to the rest of the crew.

So here you were, dragging bundles of cords across the stage and grabbing various tools for people. It wasn't the most glamorous of jobs, but hey, somebody had to do it.

A headache started forming a little after lunchtime, constantly nagging you and refusing to let you think for more than 30 seconds straight.

"Hey, you okay?" Mark asked as he was setting up his camera equipment.

"Yeah, just a headache. I think I'm gonna go grab some Advil." You made your way to the buses where your bags were stored and rifled through your medicines.

"Done early today?" you heard somebody say from behind you. You turned around and saw Josh grabbing something from his bunk.

"I wish," you laughed, "but I'm just grabbing some medicine for my headache."

"Dang it, I thought we might actually be able to hang out for once," he laughed. "Well, I hope you feel better."

"I certainly will try." You popped a few pills in your mouth and swallowed them down with a sip of water. "I'll talk to you later." You headed back into the venue and continued helping out. That is, until you thought your head was going to explode.

"Y/n?" you heard somebody ask. You had managed to find a secluded corner to curl up in and try to ease the constant pain radiating from your head throughout your entire body. "Hey, you okay?" Tyler crouched down next to you, setting a hand lightly on your back. 

"Head," you mumbled, "hurts." Every word you spoke made the pain increase. You winced as Tyler called Josh over. He must have noticed because once Josh joined the two of you he spoke in a hushed tone. And moments later you were being lifted up into Josh's arms and hauled away to what you could only assume would be your bunk. 

When you were finally set down something seemed off. It felt like a bunk, the slight discomfort of the thin mattress felt familiar on your hips. But it definitely wasn't yours. The absence of your favorite blanket and the faint scent of spearmint gum confirmed your suspicions. You cracked your eyes open to see the boys quickly gathering things from different places on the bus and returning to you. 

"Okay, so you need to take a nap. We'll make sure nobody comes and bothers you, and feel free to text us if you need something. I'll make sure Jenna has her phone on her at all times," Tyler says, handing you your phone.

"Uh, here's your blanket and a water bottle. You can use my laptop if you want to watch Netflix or something." Josh draped the blanket over your now shivering form. "I'll stop by before the show starts to make sure everything is okay."

"Thanks guys," you mumbled.

"Anytime," Tyler smiled, "feel better." They made one last check to make sure that you were comfortable and had everything you needed before exiting the bus and leaving you to fall into a deep sleep.


"y/n?" you felt somebody's hand on your shoulder urging you to wake up.

"Hm?" you groaned, still stuck in a semi-unconscious state.

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