Wedding Night - Reversed (Smut)

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Request: I loved the wedding night one! Could you possibly do a spin of it where josh is the virgin? I know he's was recently in an overseas interview where he said he couldn't play f marry kill, because he couldn't d someone he wasn't married to. 😘👌🏽

The cheers from your closest family and friends erupted around you. Josh's lips were pressed to yours, your bodies being illuminated by the sparklers they all held and the frequent flash of the camera. Your smile broke the kiss and you looked up into Josh's squinted chocolate eyes.

Forever with your brightly colored hair love of your life started today. You still couldn't believe he was yours. It took months for him to convince you that you in fact deserved to be in a loving relationship, and a few more months for you to get used to dating somebody that was famous. However, it never really felt like he was famous until you went on social media and saw pictures of the two of you everywhere. And the comments that went with them.

Luckily, the longer the two of you were together, the more you were accepted by the masses. And you could now happily say that the clique loved you almost as much as they loved Jenna. Almost. She assured you it was just because she had been around longer, but you continued to try and figure out her secret.

Looking at your now husband made new kinds of butterflies flutter around in your stomach. Husband. The word now meant so much more to you. It's not just a title for a married man. It's what you get to call your best friend. The man who, while sometimes acted like a child, never failed to love you unconditionally.

The two of you drove off from the celebration in a love filled daze. Your thoughts started to drift to the after wedding activities the two of you were soon to take part in. You see, Josh had disclosed to you that he was indeed still a virgin one night when things got a little too heated between the two of you. And that didn't change for the three years in which you dated him. You weren't one to judge him for remaining celibate until marriage, and even though there were many times in which you wish you two could just do it, you never pushed him.

You both arrived at the hotel that you were staying in for the night, leaving on your honeymoon getaway the next morning. The weight of you dress was finally getting to you as you waited patiently for the elevator that would take you to the 4th floor. Josh, being the wonderful husband he is, allowed you to lean on him as you slipped the, what you thought would be comfortable, heels off your sore feet. (You really hadn't factored in the vigorous workout you participated in on the dance floor) 

The sound of the door unlocking was music to your ears. You pushed past Josh and immediately flopped onto the bed, sighing as the soft mattress welcomed your aching body. 

"You okay babe?" Josh asked as he slid his tux jacket off and draped it over a chair. 

"Who knew getting married would be so exhausting? I'm never doing that again," you mumbled, your voice muffled by the comforter that your head was now buried in. 

"Well I really hope you never have to get married again," he laughed. "And if you do you better be remarrying me."  He sat next to you and rubbed your back slightly. 

You turned onto your back and looked up at him, trying to memorize the exact feeling you were having right now. Your heart fluttered as he grinned, looking at you with all the love in the world. No, not just the world. The universe. He loved you more than all the stars in the sky. (And he really loved the stars)

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" he asked.

"I just," you paused, "I love you so much." You sat up so that you could bring your lips to his, his arms quickly wrapping around you. He pulled back and brought his hand up to your cheek.

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