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Request: Can you please do a Josh dun imagine where he and Tyler are doing sound check for msg and y/n is just watching him in the empty pit and it's really fluffy? And maybe he can be looking at you during the show and after you and him just cuddle and stuff while on the tour bus watching a movie with everyone. Thank you

Today was the day. You had been on the road with your boyfriend's band for a few months and you finally made it to New York. It was your first time ever being in the city and all you wanted to do was wander around the streets with Josh. But for now you were just as content with watching the boys sound check for the show. Jenna had left you to explore the enormous venue, so you decided to watch them from the pit that, in a few short hours, would be packed full of screaming fans.

You were scrolling through Twitter as they ran through a few songs, smiling when you saw all of the supportive tweets from people waiting outside for tonight's show. You were just as amazed as them at how far this band has come. You hadn't been with them for the entire journey, only having met Josh at one of their smaller gigs during the Vessel era, but you watched them grow into what they were today. And to say you were proud would be an understatement.

You decided to respond to a few tweets that you had been mentioned in, sharing your thoughts on how the night was going to go. As you typed away, Josh quietly made his way off the stage and over to where you were sitting.

"What're you up to?" His sudden appearance made you jump and you looked up at him.

"Just talking to some fans. Sound check sounded good," you said.

"Thanks, babe. What are the fans saying?" He sat down behind you and placed one leg on either side of your body before resting his chin on your shoulder.

"They're just really proud of you guys. A few of them asked me some questions about tour life and such," you finished the tweet you were in the middle of when Josh came over and posted it.

"Can I see your phone?" He asked.

"Why?" You questioned, suspicious of his motives.

"I just want to see what you've been tweeting about me," he laughed. You rolled your eyes but handed your phone over to him. He laid down on his back with you still in between his legs. You started to pick at the skin around your fingernails now that your only form of entertainment had been taken from you.

Every so often Josh would laugh softly followed by him tapping furiously on the screen.

"Are you tweeting from my account?"

Instead of an answer Josh quickly stood up and ran away towards backstage. You groaned, but sprinted after him in hopes to minimize the damage he was creating.

"Joshua William Dun you better give my phone back right now!" You shouted as he darted into the dressing room. You followed after him and found him in the corner of the room, already holding your phone above his head, far out of reach from your grasp. "Come on, Josh. Give it back." You tried reaching for your phone, but there was no hope in fighting him for it.

"Not until you say I'm the best boyfriend in the universe."

"Seriously Josh?" you whined.

"Yes, seriously! Say it!"

"Fine," you huffed. "You're the best boyfriend in the universe." Those words made Josh's grin grow wider and he handed you the phone.

"Thanks, babe," he said, leaving a kiss on your cheek and walking back out towards the stage. All you could think was how on earth did I start dating a 5 year old?

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