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As everyone starts coming through the doors I realise this place will get so out of hand a vampire won't even be able to control the humans, and its way too hard for me to control this. "Cory." I say knowing he will hear me. He does. Before I walk away from the door to start looking for him he is at the door. "What's wrong? Don't worry I am not drunk, but you should be." He says to me. "Look, you do not own this house. You can invite everyone in and they can come in, but if you invite a vampire in they can't. Stay here and invite everyone in till someone cannot come in. Make sure your in the house so your safe." I explain to him. He kisses my forehead and stays at the door. I watch him smile and greet everyone as they enter. "Hey girl!" I hear Mary's voice in the distance. I turn around and see her standing at the door. "Hey, what you doing come inside! Let's party." She smiles and walks inside happily. We both take a shot of tequila and start dancing. The music is blasting, my heart pounding to the sound of the music. We drink some more, some more and then a little more. Until I feel Cory's hand in my arm. I am instantly sober in the fear someone is at the door. "Tash, can we talk?" He asks me concerned. I nod my head. "Be right back Mary." I turn around to say. She isn't there. I look 3 meters to my right and there she is, standing on a table swinging her bra around in the air. I choose to leave her. She is having fun. 

"Look, someone came up to the door. They looked familiar. It was a group of  girls and guys." He explains as he closes the door in my bathroom and turns on the tap to drown out our voices from any prying ears. "So what are you trying to say?" I ask as my heart beats in my throat. "I invited them in, greeted them with a smile. One turned to his side and reached his arm up in the air. I knew what he was doing. Checking if they could walk in, if his arm could pass the threshold. It couldn't." He tells me.

"So who owns this house man?" He asked Cory. "Who cares man, come in!" Cory smiles. They all look at each other and turn back to Cory. "Sorry buddy, something came up, and we don't like to enter parties if we don't know the owners." Cory smiles and they walk away. 

"And that was it. They walked off? They are vampires?" I ask confusingly. "What happened?" I continue. "They didn't get away, they are vampires. We can't let them get away. The one I spoke to, he was old, he knew all the tricks, some were new. I could smell blood on their clothing, they aren't discrete yet." Cory explains. "Where are they now?" I ask.

He watched as they walked away, once they were around the corner he grabbed Peter and Mia. "Guys, come on." All Cory said. They knew what he meant. They both nodded and left the house. Sped straight up behind them. Before the others realized they were there, Peter threw down both of the girls and two syringes, filled with snowhawk, one in each hand injected straight into their necks. While this was happening Mia took on their 'leader' the one they suspected turned the other four. He was strong. Broke Mia's neck before she could jump him. Cory knocked out the guy and girl with snowhawk and they were out instantly. They knew a distraction was needed to take down the other one. Peter knocked him to the ground, as he was about to get up Cory grabbed a stake from inside his jacket "Cory, don't kill him we need answers!" Peter yells. He grunts and stakes him through his back instead to weaken him. Peter breaks his neck. "Okay man, grab the girls, I'll take Mia and the others. We can kick this asshole along the floor." Cory says, directing to the asshole on the floor with a stake through his back. Peter pulls it out and throws it into the bushes. They speed off , taking the others with them.

"Where are they now Cory?" I ask him. "Peter and Mia are at my house, we put them in that cement room we kept your mother." He explains to me, quieting when he says the word mother. "Lets go!" I leave my house. Fuck it. No one can ruin this place more than my mother. Her excuse to move here was to hunt and most likely become a vampire. As we walk out the door there is Mary, in nothing but a small piece of black material covering her from being totally naked. Why do drunk people take their clothes off? She looks at me, smiles and then gets up, and throws herself onto a guy. I look at Cory. "Leave her." He says. So I do. We drive to his place, my heart racing the more closer we get. 

"Are they awake?" I ask Mia as we walk through the door. She is sitting on the couch cleaning blood out of her hair violently. "Yes, Peter is taking care of them." I nod. We walk into the cement 'dungeon' and my focus goes straight to a particular girl, sitting down with burn marks around her mouth, due to a snowhawk seeped gag. She is choking with every breath. I remember her wavy, waste long blonde hair, now knotted and dirty from the fight. Her green eyes through the mascara rubbed all over her face and throughout her tears. "Kartia?" I question. I run up to her and remove the gag, leaving her hands and feet tied. "Tasha stop!" Peter screams. I ignore him. She is my friend from Atlanta. "What the hell are you doing here!" I ask her. A tear rolls down her face. "My parents kicked me out because of the drugs that weren't even mine. They were Jacks!" She says. Jack is her older brother. She is 17, where as Jack is 25, living with the family at home. "Why didn't he defend you?" I ask her. "He is a dick. That's why. So I caught the first bus out to here. Where I met Zak, at the bus depot where I got off. We got to talking and he said he would show me around. After going through Peach Hills, I told him I wanted to find you. We got in his car and before he turned the engine on he took out a pocket knife. I was terrified, he slit his wrist once and shoved the blood in my mouth. He made me drink as tears rolled down my face. He snapped my neck. I remember the pain. When I woke up I was in a warehouse. I felt hungry. He came up to me with some girl. He looked her in the eyes and told her not to talk. She didn't. He bit into her shoulder and gestured me to go over to him. I wanted to drink and I didn't know what I was doing, who I was. I drank. The rest of till now was watching him kill, when we heard about your party I knew I would finally get to see you. Though not like this. Tasha I missed you." I listen to her whole story. Word by word. I look at Cory and his face concerns me. I untie her hands and feet and hear a gun load behind me. I turn around and Peter is holding a gun to Kartia's head. "Why?" I ask him. "Just to be safe. She is a monster." He tells me. I pull out a gun Cory gave me at the party. I load it and point it at him. "Just to be safe. You are a monster." He rolls his eyes. I turn around to hug Kartia and help her to her feet. As we stand up I feel a sharp pain in my neck. I hear my skin break and something warm run down my chest. I hear a gun shot. Everything turns to black.

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