9 years later

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For 9 years, Miranda and her father stayed in Hongkong. Her father was finally settled. He decided to come back to Korea since he missed it so much there. Plus, he prefered staying there for it was his hometown.


A moving truck came in the neighborhood in their village in Korea. It was them! Miranda was so excited that she's coming back to Korea and staying there FOR GOOD. Nothing was going to change that...

"Oh boy, Miranda. This place didn't change a bit since I last saw it! Oh Miranda, go to bed early, you'll start school tomorrow."

Miranda had a cozy night, dreaming of what it would be like to be back. After 9 years, Miranda had grown into a beautiful young lady. As she woke up, she took a bath, got dressed and joined her father for breakfast.

"Good morning dad!"

As it turned out, her father slapped her for no apparent reason. Miranda's father had turned out to be an alcoholic for it was his hangover after his wife's terrible death. He also took out his anger on his daughter and beat her up.

"Daddy, why did you do that? All I just said was good morning. And why are you drinking that beer? It's only 7 am! That's really bad for your health." Her father slapped her again.

"Don't tell me what to do, you little brat! Now off you go, before I hit you again."

Miranda was easily bruised so she had a faint bruise on her right cheek. Her father ran up to Miranda before she left.

"Miranda dear, I'm so sorry I hit you. It wasn't me, it was the beer. I'm so sorry Miranda. I love you so much, please forgive me."

Miranda forgived him and gave him a hug.


But on the other hand, James was living a perfectly different life compared to Miranda. He is now the captain of his school's soccer team. He was also the boy who every guy wanted to be and every girl's dream boy.

"Hey James. Looking hot today. You want to hangout later? Let's talk about each other and our you know... interests?" said some popular cheerleader named Veronica. Miranda walked in the door. Staring cluelessly at everyone, the popular group has noticed her.

"Oh my gosh, look at that loser!"

"Yeah, look at that mark on her face."

"I bet nobody likes her."

Miranda just stared at them, wanting to leave, James grabbed her. They looked at each other's faces for quite a time.

"Miranda? Is that you?" She just studied the face until she realized it was her childhood sweetheart.

"Yes. Is this you James?" James gave her the biggest bearhug.

"Oh Miranda! I missed you so. I thought you were never coming back here." Yoona started crying and went to a corner.

"Miranda wait! Where have you been? We never got the chance to say goodbye to each other back then."

"We went to Hongkong and stayed there until my dad cleared his mind about mom. By the way, nice friends you got there..."

"Oh them? Those are just stupid girls. Nevermind them, don't let them bother you okay?"

Miranda stopped crying. Miranda gave James a half smile. James held both of her hands.

"Miranda, I missed you a lot. I want to stay and hang out with you but I have my soccer practice. Will you meet me later at the playground we used to play at? Remember that?"

"Absolutely. Bye James."

James left smiling and waving to Miranda. Not caring if he hits people in his way as long as he waved and stared at Miranda's beautiful face.

Teenage Drama LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon