You Made My World Stop

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For the past few weeks, James and Miranda were always seen in public together. Holding hands, being so sweet to each other and sometimes even kissing! A lot of rumors spread that James was dating a loser but that didn't mind him. He didn't care as long as he was with his childhood sweetheart and soulmate.

Veronica, a beautiful and popular cheerleader who is also inlove with James got jealous.

"Sarah, look! Can you believe it? James is dating some kind of loser. Why her? Why can't it be me? Me and James are the perfect match. Look at us, he's popular and I'm popular. He's the school's soccer team varsity leader and I'm the head cheerleader of this school! It's the perfect chemistry. Why can't he notice that?"

"Ha, I know! It's like it isn't the hot and popular James we know. You should come up with a plan to break them up."

"Sarah, you're a genius! I'll split them up and I know the perfect plan. If I can't have James, then no one can."

Miranda wasn't ready to deal Fate's heavy blow on her... 


Miranda receives an unexpected text message from James saying,

"Miranda, meet me at my house. I want to show you something. It would blow your mind! :)"

Excited, Miranda got dressed up and went to his house. She knocked on the door, and to her shock, she saw James passionately kissing Veronica.

"Oh my god, Donghae.. No, I never knew you would do this to me.."

This shocked her to the bone, she ran away back to her house crying. She stayed in her room, wrecking all her childhood memories. Her dollhouse, her portraits of her and James. It was such a horrible sight. She kept on screaming until her lungs would bleed.


This caused her dad to come up her room.

"Miranda, darling. What's with all the noise?"

"Daddy, it's nothing. Please leave."

"I know something is up. Tell me, I'll help you. I know I have been such an awful father. But I'm here for you now."

"Daddy, it's James.. I really thought he loved me. After all of this, I see him and another girl kissing. It's that Veronica girl I think. Well, it was the most hurtful thing he could ever do to me.. I hate him so much for doing this to me."

Miranda kept on crying and sobbing.

"Miranda, I'm sure he does love you. He's just making the most terrible mistake of his life now. Go talk to him now. Maybe it's not too late, go! Before you regret it.."

Miranda ran up to her cellphone and texted him. "James, meet me at our park." A few minutes later, she saw James looking worried.

"James, how could you?! I thought you loved me and you go and make googly-eyes and make out with some other girl!"

"Miranda, I'm so sorry. I wasn't myself. Veronica gave me a drink and I passed out, next thing I know I thought Veronica was you. Because she sounded so much like you and she kind of looked like you for some reason. So I'm really sorry Miranda.."

Miranda sighed. She hugged him and said, "James, I forgive you. But please don't ever hurt me like this. I love you so much, you know that?"

"Miranda, I promise I will never hurt you. I'll keep my word. I love you so much Miranda." 

Teenage Drama LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon