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Ryan's POV

I get her down to the bunker and we both input our codes and the door unlocks, once it's closed it can only be opened from the inside unless we put both the codes in which obviously Chloe can't do from inside

"You good?" I ask her for the final time

"Yeah" she replies kinda quietly

"You feel okay? Baby alright?" I wanna make sure everything's good before I go, in truth I just don't wanna go but yeah whatever

"Yeah the baby's settled down now" she tells me

"Alright, Connor's here if there's a problem and you have your phone, if something happens you can always call me and I'll answer" I promise her


"Alright Teddy now I've gotta go for a while but when I get back I promise we'll all be together and you and I can do something very nice for your mother to celebrate, for now though you need to be good for mommy because she can't be chasing you around, she needs to rest okay? Good boy" I watch as he giggles away to what I say

"I love you both so much" i tell Chloe and she smiles

"I love you too" she replies, I pass Teddy too her and we share a long kiss before we head to the door

"Why don't you try and get some rest?" I suggest just before I go

"I can't, I couldn't sleep all night really, I still feel really uncomfortable, I couldn't sleep with the thought of you not being safe anyway" she tells me

"Are you alright?" I ask her

"Uh yeah, I don't know, probably just worried I guess"

"Just try not to worry" I tell her "it'll be fine, I'll back down here for you before you know it" I tell her and at that moment the warning bell rings, we both look at the bell that is just outside the bunker behind us

I pull out what I need to give her

"Take this, you know what to do if you need to use it" I hand her a gun, it was hers when we entered the games over a year ago but since then I've kept it locked away for her, she used to carry it but after she got shot she couldn't handle having it around and she didn't want it near the baby once he was born so I locked it away, but now she needs this, she needs to be able to protect herself if she needs to

"What! No...I....I can't" she stumbles over her own words

"You have to Chloe, just in case you need it" I tell her

"But Connor has his" she points out

"Please just take it" I plea with her again

"Alright" she nods and takes the gun, I kiss her one more time as she does

"I'll see you later" I tell her

"Stay safe" she tells me

"Of course, you too" I tell her and then leave so she can shut the door and head up to get my own gun before I join the guys


Anything could happen, just saying 😂😂 xoxo

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