Knife to a gun fight

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Ryan's POV

Moments later I woke up and they help me up and look at my bloodied up t-shirt

"It's just a little puncture" I try and brush it off, it wasn't a very big knife, I don't think it could've done much

"And your arm?" Someone asks me, in confusion I look at it and see its bleeding, I must've been grazed by one of the bullets that guy shot when he hit Jordan

"It's fine" I tell them

"You need to get stitched up" someone tells me

"I can't, I have to go to Chloe" I tell them as I start walking towards the tunnels entrance, every step brought another shooting pain through my body but I had to keep going, I had to get to her

"You want to go to her like that?!" Someone asks me like I'm insane, which I then suddenly realise maybe I am

"Alright I'll get patched up super quickly, can someone grab me a new shirt from my room, I. Probably shouldn't go with this blood all over me either

"I will" Danny tells me and then runs off, two guys help me back to the tunnels and through to where I see the first aid stuff, I see a huge patch of blood in the grass which I guess was Jordan's

"Jordan?" I ask

"Inside, I think he's stable but I don't know, Sophie's attending to him"

I nod, Sophie is one of the two people who were trained medically bar Abigail here, she was a surgeon in training before she was picked so she knows what she's doing she and Joe who's the guy here, also the one who Delivered Teddy, are training some new guys so that we have more of a medical team

"What happened?" He asks me as I sit leaning against the wall as he gestured for me to do

"I honk a bullet grazed me in the arm but that King Ronan dude stabbed me and twisted it" I tell him as I feel the pain and try not to let it overwhelm me, I still keep pressure on my stab wound as he checks my arm

"That'll need stitches and so will that stab wound of yours, we'd better go inside so I can do it" he tells me but I shake my head as I breathe heavily

"You have the stuff, get it done" I tell him, he looks at me like I've completely lost it, I wish people would stop doing that, I have to get to Chloe

"I haven't got any anaesthetic" he tells me

"Do I look like I care?! My wife is most likely having a baby right now, I need to get to her" I tell him and he nods

"It'll hurt" he tells me as he gets the stuff out

"Just get on with it then" I tell him and so he does, he clean it up and then gets to work, I yell out as he starts seeing me up, dear god, what the fuck, someone runs over just as he finishes on my arm and starts patching it up

"There are more people but they say they want to surrender, they want peace, to join us they claim" he tells me

"do you believe them?" I ask as my arm is being wrapped up,

"Yeah" he replies and I nod, then give it to them "check them all for weapons and then take them to the cells until I can come and deal with it" I tell him "any trouble then shoot to kill" I warn him and he nods before running off

"Lie down for me" joe asks me but it's more of a telling me kinda way, I do as he says

"Alright let me see it then" he tells me, I remove my hand and he lifts my top a little so he can see it, the bleeding seems to have pretty much stopped, he starts cleaning it up which makes a few tears come to my eyes, the pain is unreal, I can't even imagine what it's like for Chloe to have a baby if this is just cleaning a stab wound

"Dear god!" I yell out by accident as he starts stitching it up, it was a rather small knife but the wound isn't, it's pretty big and it took him a good minute at least to finally finish, he put the padding and gauze on it, used the medical tape to attach it to me and then put a pressure bandage around me waist which lets just say was uncomfortable at best

"There, take these two quick and then you can go, they'll help with the pain" he tells me and hands me two pills, I nod before downing then in one go, just then Danny arrives back with a new top for me, I yank off the one I'm wearing, get a wipe from Joe and clean the blood off my hands, I wipe my wedding ring carefully then start thinking about Chloe and speed up, I quickly take the new top and put it on before I rush off as fast as I can handle to the bunker

"BE CAREFUL OF YOUR STITCHES!" He yells after me

"I NEED YOU FOR CHLOE!" I yell back and hear him chase after me, I just hope everything's okay, he's quite a way behind me because I'm a lot faster than him a I got a head start, I'm open the door as soon as I get there


Oh silly little sillies, you though him dying was what you had to worry about, hahahaha, oh guys come on....don't be naive, would I really go for the obvious choice? Do what would be the next? I guess it would be is the baby okay I mean I did drop the whole, if there's something wrong there's nothing we can do thing..... hmmm I wonder....... 😂😂😈😈 xoxo

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