The Meeting

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That afternoon, Charlene and I met each other outside the school near the bike racks. We began walking to the pottery shop which was only a few blocks down. "Hey Tiffany. I know we've just met but we're really good friends now. Can I tell you a secret? I feel like you should know. You can't tell anyone. You need to promise me you won't." "Ok I promise. Tell me what it is!!" I agreed "I really like Maybeck. But, I'm not sure if he likes me back. Can you do a little...How would you say it? Ah! Spying for me to see if he mentions anything to you?"Charlene asked. "Oh I'm great at spying. I'm technically a professional." I told her. Just then the cheerful front of the pottery shop came into our view. The sign above the door read Crazy Glaze. We slowed down. We saw Finn and who must of been Willa arriving. "Let's go we don't want to be late!" I said practically pulling Charlene along. We finally reached the shop. Charlene opened the door.

The place smelled like it was a bakery not a pottery shop. The scent of cookies filled the air and pictures of cupcakes were hung on the wall. The place was crowded with mothers and their children painting blank pottery. Charlene and Tiffany were greeted by a heavyset gray-haired African American woman. "Hello! What do you young ladies need help with?" She said "Hi! We're looking for the Kingdom Keepers." We said "Oh why didn't you say so? Here follow me!" The lady said. She led us to the back of the store to a small room with a table. Finn, Maybeck, and a girl I've never seen before were sitting at the table. "If you need anything the folks round here call me Jelly. Just give me a holler!" Jelly said. She walked out of the room.
"Hey guys! So glad you could make it! Finn said "Yeah Jelly showed us around and brought us back here." I said. "She is so sweet!" Charlene said. "Yeah she took me in when I was a little kid." Maybeck told us. "Aww that's so kind of her! By the way my name is Issabella but, call me Willa." She replied. "Hi. I'm Tiffany." I said. Just then a boy with fiery red hair walked into the room. "I'm here! Sorry for interrupting." The boy said. "Hey Philby! Glad your here! Ready to start the meeting everyone?" "Yeah!" We all agreed. "To start off we have a new Keeper. Her name is Tiffany and she is going to be a new DHI in the Hollywood Studios."
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Sorry but can I be excused my phone is vibrating. It's probably my mom asking where I am. I'll be right back." I told everyone. "Sure go ahead." Finn told me. "There is a room if you go down that hallway and to the right. You can go there." Maybeck said. "Ok thanks" I replied as I walked to the room. Once I got there I checked my phone. It was one of those weird numbers. One thought was running through my mind.
Should I answer it?...

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