We Need To Talk

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I woke up. My alarm must not of gone off because I was suppose to wake up 25 minutes ago. "Hurry up Tiffany! You're going to be late for school!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I quickly got dressed and ran down the steps. I grabbed a granola bar and ran to the bus stop trying not to be late for school. I had to get there in time to take a very important math test.

When I got to the bus stop I was surprised to see Charlene standing there talking to some other 8th graders. I tried to get her attention but, she didn't notice me. She was surrounded by so many people I wasn't really surprised that she didn't see me. I'm just a nobody. But, I really needed to talk to her. I needed to figure out what happened last night in Disney. She would know.

Just then the bus pulled up. Everyone pushed and shoved trying to make their way onto the bus. Everyone tried to get the best seats which were in the back near the air conditioner. I ended up having to sit in the very front next to this boy who smells Terrible!😖It was a very miserable and long ride.

We got to school and I finally got a chance to talk to Charlene in the hallway by the lockers. "So what really happened last night?" I asked her. "Sorry but I can't tell you now. We can't let everyone know that we are Kingdom Keepers. It's top secret stuff. Even our parents don't know about us traveling in the parks at night. They just think we were chosen to be holograms giving people tours during the day in the park." She said "Wow I didn't know that it was such a secret. Actually, I didn't even know I was a Kingdom Keeper till last night." I told her. But not everyone just randomly pops up in Disney World, the most magical place of all time on a Sunday night (or any night). I thought to myself. Charlene must of saw I was lost in my own world because she said, "Sorry Tiffany, but I have to get going now we'll both be late for our first classes. Meet me in the library at study hall. Then I'll tell you everything you need to know about last night."...

Top Photo; schoollockers.com

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