Are You Ok?

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I slowly walked back into the meeting room. Everything seemed kinda dizzy. "Hey Tiffany! Everything alright?" Finn asked. "Everything's great! We just decided that it would be easiest if I walked home." I said lying. I couldn't tell anyone about what had just happened because I really don't know what happened either. I sat down and tried to act as normal as possible. "By the way Tiffany my aunt brought in some homemade chocolate chip cookies if you want any. They may still be warm." Maybeck told me. "Sounds delicious... I said reaching for one." My mom never has time to cook. She is always busy. She has to have 2 jobs to be able to pay for the house, food, and other things. My dad just picked up his stuff and left us one night. I don't even know where he lives now. Probably in California somewhere jumping off cliffs and partying every night. I haven't seen him in over a year. I miss him so much. I thought to myself trying to hold back the tears so no one would see them.

"The reason I called for this meeting is because Wayne texted me saying that the Overtakers are preparing to attack Disney... Soon. We need to prepare for whatever they send our way. We can relax for tonight then we need to set a strategy. Maybeck, is your aunt ok if we meet here again tomorrow?" Finn asked. "What?" Maybeck said snapping back to reality. "Is your aunt ok with us meeting here again?" Finn asked annoyed. "Yeah I'm sure she'll be fine with it." Maybeck replied. "Speaking of relaxing have you guys heard of the Virtual Magic Kingdom webesite? It is totally awesome!" Willa said. "I know right! What's your username?" Charlene asked. "Willatree." She replied. "Mine is angelface 13. How about we all get on it tonight and strategize instead of meeting tomorrow? I don't know about you guys but of have stuff after school." Charlene said. "Sounds good to me." We all agreed. "How does 8:00 p.m. sound?" Willa asked. "Great!" We all said in unison. We grabbed our stuff and parted our ways...

Author's Notes- Sorry for such a short chapter... I promise the next one is gonna be much longer.🙂

A  Courageous Keeper~                                                ComicSkaterWhere stories live. Discover now