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"I'll never let you go Y/N~"

Yet you did.

"I'll always be there for you"

But you were never there.

"I'll never cheat on you."



It was the mid year exams and I failed my math.I was depressed as that was the subject I wanted to pass but no.Of course my brain will never remember many math equations.Oh well...I guess I'll go hangout with Jinhoo oppa.
So,I decided to call him.

Y/N:oppa!Are you free?
J:no why?
Y/N:oh nevermind it's okay.I'll just go to the ice cream parlor and listen to music.
J:okay bye *hangs up*
Y/N:oppa?wait I wasn't even finish...*sigh*
*end call*

*end of flashback*

"Not going to let me go?You'll always be there for me?You'll never cheat on me?So stupid to believe your lies.Stupid Stupid Stupid."

I am going to surprise Jinhoo
at home as today is our 1 year anniversary.When I arrived home,I saw Jinhoo's bag and...a purse? Wait what?I looked around in hope for a glimpse of him but I regreted immediately.There I see Jinhoo snogging with my most trusted friend,Emerald on the couch.

"Oh my Y/N-ah.."
"Emerald you too?"
"Unbelieveable.On our anniversary too how lovely.
You know what Jinhoo,have a good life with Emerald.Now I don't want to see your shit at MY house.TAKE ALL YOUR FUCKING THINGS AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!You too Emerald.Get.
"Y/N-ah please don't do this"
"Oh I will now get your SHIT
Out of my house and NEVER come back."

*end of flashback*

By now,I practically was crying a river.One whole year and that was down the drain.
I admit though,I still love him. A lot.I still haven't move on since we broke up 8 months ago.I bet he has.And I have not stepped out of my house for a long time.I guess it is time I go out and do something.

I changed into a shirt that says 'N° 1 cares',a pair of jean shorts and a pair of black vans.Then I grabbed my phone,headphones,wallet and keys and head out the door.

"Whoo fresh air."

The first place I went to was a cafe down the road.Memories came back of me and Jinhoo.
I entered and immediately recalled our first date.I chuckled at how hard I tried to look good for him.

I went to the cashier and ordered hot chocolate and a white chocolate chip cookie.
Then I sat down at the usual place me and Jinhoo always sat at.The seat near the window.It was a cushioned seat too.I drank my hot chocolate and remembered how Jinhoo always told me to drink slowly as it is very hot.

I was already teary eyed and the song I'm listening to is not helping at all.It was me and Jinhoo's favourite song,
'Let me know' by BTS.

I wiped a tear that managed to escape my eyes.Then I saw a sticky note that said

annyeong Y/N-ah.It has been really long since I met you.I know my actions cannot be forgiven.
Have you moved on?well if you have that's good but I haven't move on.Pathetic right?
Y/N from the bottom of my heart,I apologise for my foolish actions and I understand if you don't want to forgive me.
If you forgive me,can you
look at the window?
Love, Jinhoo

Since I am a person who believes in forgiving and starting a new,I looked at the window.There stood the man who took my heart but broke it.I stood up,brought my stuff with me and sat down at the table beside the window Jinhoo is standing at.

I looked at him and he completely changed.He was thinner than I last saw him,he had black hair and had dark circles under his eyes which is Very rare.

I flipped the sticky note and wrote down,

I forgive you :)

Then I showed it to Jinhoo.
Once he read the sticky note,His eyes started to water and he ran in the cafe.
Jinhoo headed straight to me
and hugged me so tight that I thought I couldn't breathe.

"Thank you so much for foriving me Y/N-ah"
"It's okay :) it's all about Forgiving and second chances."
"Shall we start again like on our first date?
well..Hi my name is Jinhoo and it's nice to see you :)"
"Nice to meet you too Jinhoo, my name is Y/N.Please take a seat :)"

I mentally thank myself for being a very forgiving person as I got my loved one back :)

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