-X i a o- (I)

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Characters:Xiao,Y/N(your name),Sunyoul and Haizum
Scenario:Your bestfriend,Haizum,is going on a date with her boyfriend,Sunyoul.You thought you were going to be third-wheeler when Sunyoul had decided to bring his friend,Xiao,along.
You were peacefully sleeping when suddenly,a pillow hit you in the face.You woke uo groaning from the impact.You looked up to see your bestfriend,Haizum who lives with you,grinning like *Chesire cat.
"Finally you woke up.Gosh did you take a sleeping pill before you went to sleep?Anyways go wash up and get ready because we're going to the amusement park!Sunyoul's going to be there too."
You sighed,knowing you're going to be a thirdwheeler while Haizum was still grinning like chesire cat obviously excited about today.You got out of bed and went to the bathroom and did your daily morning routine.After all that,you got dressed in a shirt that says 'Pizza is the new trend',
Denim shorts and black vans.You went out to see your bestfriend using a plaid shirt with the front of the plaid shirt tucked in her denim shorts while the back and the side of her plaid shirt is tucked out.She was also using her favourite pair of shoes which is converse high with the brithish flag on it.
"Wait!Let me grab my phone and a granola bar."
"No worries,I took it for you already."
She handed you your phone and your granola bar and then you both waited for Sunyoul to arrive.
After 5 minutes,Sunyoul arrived with his car.He stepped out of the car and greeted his girlfriend.
"Oh hey Y/N.By the way,I brought my friend,Xiao,with me to keep you company."
You looked in the car to see a boy around your age sleeping peacefully against the car windows.
《T i m e S k i p》
"Waaah!The amusement park
is still as beautiful as ever!"
You were about to talk to Haizum when you noticed she and Sunyoul are no where to be found.
"Don't worry about them.They rushed to get in line for the big rollercoaster over there."
You turned around to see that it was Xiao who was talking to you.You nodded your head to tell him that you understood.
"Well..let me introduce myself properly.My name is Lee Dongyeol but people adress me as Xiao."
"Well hello there Xiao.My name is Y/N.I hope we will get along well while those two love birds have the time of their lives."
"So...wanna ride the rollercoaster?"
"Erm...no thanks.I'm *acrophobic.I fan wait for you down here while you ride the rollercoaster 😊."
"Nope.I'm not going to leave you alone.Hmm what about cotton candy then?"
As you both made your way to the cotton candy cart,Sunyoul and Haizum were watching you from behind cooing at the both of you.
You both bought your cotton candy and sat down.
Suddenly,you came up with an idea.
"Hey Xiao,wanna play 21 questions to get to know each other better?"
"Sure!I'll go first!Question 1,is your nationality Korean?you don't look like you're korean 😂."
"I am korean but I'm mixed blood.My dad is korean while my mom is malay.She is from Singapore.Sometimes I visit my paternal grandparents who are in Singapore."
"Interesting 😊.Well next question.."
In the end,you both asked each other more than 21 questions.It was already getting a little late and finally those two lovebirds are here.
Haizum smirked at you and asked
"Had fun with Xiao?"
"Totally!We got to know each other more and he's a really cool guy 😊."
As for Sunyoul,he smiled at Xiao and asked
"How was spending time with
Y/N like?"
"She's really fun to be with.
Not to mention..pretty too 😶"



C L I F F H A N G E R!
Okay okay..i know i update SOO late and 'cliffhanged' you guys.THERE'S GONNA BE PART 2!Awesome right?..no?..itz okay 💁

Up next is Kuhn!(it has a little angst inside)

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