2- I won't hurt you

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I Won't Hurt You

"Okay, so this is my home, I'm sorry it's quite messy." I smiled as I unlocked the door, hiding a chuckle after I glanced behind me to see her walking inside my apartment with a look that seemed to be a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment. Annoyance because I had pestered her tonight and embarrassment from having to take this offer over taking my money or leaving me there to freeze to death. I didn't care how she felt about it though, as long as she was safe for tonight.

She looked around my age so was still quite young, leaving her there to turn into an ice cube was never going to be an option. Despite her obvious sulking as she closed the door behind her, I could still see the wonder behind that expression as her eyes explored my apartment. It wasn't much, but I guess it was a whole lot to a homeless person.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, knowing the answer already as I had clearly heard her stomach growling throughout our conversation in the park. I made my way to the kitchen and only when I looked back did I see her shaking her head again, I struggled to keep in a frustrated sigh.

"Alright" I shrugged. "But can you take a seat here?" I motioned to the table in my kitchen to which she obeyed immediately. I felt a little bad but no one should trust a stranger alone in their house, even though she looked innocent. For all I knew she could be a master thief or something, easily pocketing some jewelry or some spare cash lying around. Because of this, I planned to keep an eye on her.

As she sat, I shot a smile her way in gratitude before searching through the cupboards for a saucepan. "Well, I for one am starving...I haven't eaten since breakfast. Work was a killer." I said, attempting to start a light hearted conversation only to find I could have gotten more of a reaction out of a rock.

Feeling slightly awkward at the failed attempt, I focused on making the food. Even though it was late, or early in the morning rather...I know we both had to eat, her more than I of course so to fix something quick, I just grabbed two instant ramen packets.

I felt her eyes on me the whole time, or maybe she was looking at the food instead. She was perhaps regretting her response to my question if she'd like some. She had been too polite to accept another offer from me but she was going to take it one way or another. I wasn't going to be happy with saving a girl from pneumonia only for her to die from starvation so that food was going into her whether she liked it or not.

While the ramen simmered, I turned to her and saw how her eyes immediately shot downwards, her body becoming rigid with what I thought to be anxiousness, perhaps even fear. I didn't bother to hold in my sigh this time.

"Hey" I said as I sat down opposite her. "Please don't be scared, I won't hurt you." I waited until she looked up at me before giving her a reassuring smile. Although she didn't smile back, I was pleased to see another small sign of her calming slightly and that was good enough for me.

I stared at her for a while as she fidgeted under my gaze, her still wearing my coat that looked quite puffy on her which caused me to let out a giggle. Unfortunately she thought I was laughing at how uncomfortable she was in my presence and blushed, lowering her head further.

"Sorry." I smiled. "You look like one of those eskimo's that live in igloo's." Obviously I didn't make her laugh with my lame attempt as I'm simply not a funny person so due to the awkwardness that had ensued after my fail, I tended to the ramen instead. As I turned my back on her, I quickly sensed movement and hoped it wasn't her trying to leave. As it turned out, she was just uncomfortable because of the heat of my apartment while she was wearing that monstrosity of a coat.

"You can take it off you know." I said without turning around, hearing that she did just that after I gave my permission. She was seriously very shy.

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