12- Goodbye

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"Hm?" I groaned, who was shaking me? I opened my eyes but the light blinded me making me groan in displeasure. I then heard a very familiar chuckle and it caused me to sit upright so fast that it made my head spin.


I opened my eyes slowly this time and as soon as they came into focus....

"Jessica?" Her face was close to mine and I automatically jumped back, falling off the sofa and winding myself from the fall.

"Taetae, are you okay?"

"Wh-at are you d-doing here?" I struggled while gasping and rubbing my now sore back.

She smiled and then I saw Tiffany sitting at the kitchen table watching us. She had this pained look on her face and out of habit I tried to stand up to go to her but Jess pushed me back down.


"Shhh baby. It's okay" Jess smiled and kissed my cheek.

I looked to Tiffany in confusion but she had turned her head away from me, no longer watching. She was eating something which I found strange because she couldn't cook.

"Tiffany explained everything" Jess said before helping me up, more like dragging me over to the table and then pushing me down into the seat opposite Tiff.

"About?" I questioned, looking to Tiffany for answers but she wouldn't raise her head. I glanced over at Jess to see she was the one who had been cooking and was plating something up for me.

"About how you two met, how she's staying here because she has nowhere to go and how she thought I was raping you" Jessica giggled at that but Tiffany frowned, embarrassed I think. "But I understand now, she's just a little hobo and you're doing a good deed."

"Don't speak about her that way. She's not...that, she's a good friend" I replied, Jess was always forward and didn't think about anyone's feelings when she spoke.

"Sorry baby, I didn't mean it" she smiled and held her arms around my neck in a sort of choking back hug before kissing my cheek. "Did you hear that Tiffany?" Jess said in a condescending tone. "Good FRIEND". All I could see was Tiffany lowering her head even more and clenching her jaw, Jessica was making this really hard for her.

"Can I be excused?" Tiffany asked quietly, I was wondering why on earth she was asking.

"Eat the rest of that and then you can, don't waste my food." Jess replied.

Okay, my confusion was at it's maximum.

"Will somebody tell me what's going on here? And Jess get off" I said, pushing her arms away from my neck. "Why are you speaking to her like you're her mother, why are you here and why do you look so depressed?" The last question was directed at Tiffany.

"Well....are we going to answer her Tiffany?" Jessica smiled as she slid into the seat beside me. Tiffany was uncomfortable, very uncomfortable and I hated to see it. She stayed quiet while shovelling the food into her mouth. It didn't look particularly appetising, it was chicken I think in some greyish sauce with microwavable vegetables. She must've really wanted to leave if she was eating that so fast. "Well alrighty then...Tiffany is allowed to stay in our apartment as long as she follows the rules and my orders."

"Our apartment? Orders? What the fuck Jessica"

She glared at me and I got the hint.

"I'm here because I'm moving in Taetae and Tiffany....why do you look depressed sweetie?" She smirked. I looked to Tiffany to find her gripping her chopsticks extremely tight. It was only a matter of time before they....

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