4- Angel

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As soon as I awoke, I went to go make both of us breakfast, a smile already on my face. It was amazing what a good deed could do, my spirit felt lifted, liberated almost as I hummed along to a song from the radio. It was strange for me to feel happier than I had been in a while....I guess its the same as adopting a dog or even a child, you feel like you are giving them a second chance at life. I didn't know how long this thing with Tiffany was going to go on, her staying at my place I mean but right now all I wanted was for her to get another good meal into her to face another day. So once I had finished breakfast, I plated it up and then went over to my bedroom door.

First placing my ear against the door and hearing nothing, I decided to knock thinking she was still fast asleep. I wouldn't blame her, yesterday must have been very stressful for her, she looked like she had been dropped onto another planet most of the time. I wondered whether to leave her to get more sleep but her breakfast was ready for her now, so I decided against it.

There was no answer so I knocked again, waiting for her to allow me to come in. Maybe she was a heavy sleeper.....? Thinking this was the case, I opened the door as slowly and quietly as I could to allow the morning light to penetrate the room a little at a time. If she was asleep, it would make it so the brightness wouldn't hurt her eyes quite as badly. When the whole room was illuminated and I could see inside though, my heart dropped when I saw something I wasn't prepared to see.

All that was left of Tiffany was a note upon my bed.

I glanced to the bathroom door thinking maybe she was inside, but the door was wide open. With a frown and a slightly deflated mood, I walked over to the bed and picked up the piece of paper. As soon as I started to read the untidy handwriting, I found myself shift uncomfortably.


I'm sorry about using your paper and a pen but I just needed to thank you for everything. I would give you all my money if I had any to say thank you. I appreciate everything you did for me.

I put your clothes next to the washing machine and grabbed my own clothes back.

Thank you for letting me stay but I can't take up anymore of your time, you already did enough.

Thank you


That certainly worsened the mood. She left...? This is what annoyed me about her. Yes, I understand that it was hard for her to accept help for the want of being polite but we could at least have talked about everything this morning, what would happen next etc yet here I was looking at her goodbye letter.

As I sat down at the table, I sighed and poked at the rice with my chopsticks; my appetite pretty much diminished. I wondered whether to go and get her or just accept her leaving and move on. I then figured if she had needed something else, then she would have stuck around. With that in mind, I got up and put her portion of food into the fridge before going to get dressed.

The moment I took off my pyjamas, I realised how cold it really was and a quick glance out of the window showed a light snowfall. My mind went into overdrive, did she at least take my coat...? No, it was hanging up by the door.

My heartbeat increased as it fought against my conscience, I was telling myself that she was fine because she wanted to be outside. Maybe she had somewhere to go during the day like a homeless shelter and would be warm. Then again maybe not. Maybe she was on that bench right now, a blanket of snow covering her trembling body. Her lips turning blue and-

I was dressed fairly quickly and wasted no time in making my way out into the outdoors. I was right, it was freezing. A small pain shot through my jaw as I gritted my teeth but not because of the temperature, it was because I knew that Tiffany was in a fucking t-shirt in this weather.

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