18- Privacy

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"Merry Christmas Tae"

"Hey you!"

"You look nice!"


"Hi guys" I smiled as my friends all entered the apartment at once in a big bundle. I took all of their coats while they gathered around the sofas, making themselves at home just like every Christmas. "Can I get you some drinks?"

"Coke please" Hyoyeon grinned

"Wine?" Sunny asked

"Energy drink" Yuri winked

"I would like some water if it's not too much trouble unnie" Seohyun smiled

I nodded and went to get their drinks. As soon as I returned, I frowned...something was wrong. I scanned the room and lay my eyes on Hyoyeon who I saw was looking at the closet. Tiffany. She wasn't here.

As I walked to the bedroom, Hyoyeon shot me a reassuring smile, no idea why...had I done something wrong? I knocked and waited a while, no reply. I then entered and shut the door behind me, Tiffany was sat on the corner of the bed.

"Why are you in here?" I asked her while I folded my arms and leaned against the door.

No reply. Just a sigh in response.

"Tiff I asked you a question. Everyone's out there, they're excited to meet you"

"I don't belong here Taeyeon. I can't talk with your friends like you do, they aren't like me"

"Tiffany come on" I sighed and sat beside her. She leaned into me and rested her head on my shoulder. "They are so nice, they're understanding babe"

"I'm sorry"

"Didn't I say that I wouldn't let anything happen?"

She nodded

"Then come on" I smiled and took her hand. "They don't bite"

She got up and followed me hesitantly before taking a deep breath in as I opened the door. All eyes were on us as we walked out and sat down on the empty arm chair, Tiffany on the seat and me on the arm.

"Guys this is Tiffany." I'd told everybody what I had told Sunny beforehand by text so everyone was aware of their boundaries with her.

"Wow, now I know what Taeyeon was talking about when she said you were beautiful" Yuri smirked.

"I love your hair" Hyoyeon gasped. When Tiffany raised her eyes to look at her, Hyo gave her a shy smile, still sorry for what she had done. I watched as Tiffany returned the smile and gave a small bow of her head.

"Thank you" she said, looking at both Yuri and Hyo.

As Yuri and Seo introduced themselves, I gave a subtle nod to Sunny, wanting her to take my seat beside Tiffany while I check on the food. I told Tiff I'd be right back and she gave a frightened look in response but eventually nodded. As soon as I stood up, Sunny sat down beside Tiff and engaged her in a conversation. This was going to be good for her.


"Alright guys, sit down. Foods ready" I grinned as the girls sat down. "Tiff, can you help me carry this stuff?"

"Sure Tae"

I glanced behind Tiffany when she came to me only to see everybody except Seo with one hand over their heart and a look that just said 'AWWWWWW'. I rolled my eyes, Tiffany seemed to have that effect on people.

"Thank you Tiffany" Yuri said as Tiff helped me set down different Korean dishes.

"Tae made it" she giggled before sitting down opposite Yuri who I was sure was flirting...I raised an eyebrow when I sat down next to Tiff directed at the dark kid who was now helping herself to the food. Yuri always was a flirt...but I wasn't sure I liked her doing that with Tiffany.

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