IV. Yellow's Princess

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Tammi woke up the next day bright and early. She always woke up early. It was part of her daily routine. First, she'd wake up at exactly 5:00. Then she'll take a ten minute shower. Next she'll eat breakfast. An apple and two slices of toast. Finally, she'll leave home and head for school. She always double checked to make sure that the doors were locked. She's always the last one to leave the house, since Kenji spends most of his time out in the city. In fact, the only times she really sees her brother is at school. Tammi never really worried so much about it. She knew that Kenji was fine on his own.

Tammi decided to walk with her other friend, Mimi, to school. She always shuffled her days. Usually her, Benta, and Mimi would walk together, but ever since Yuko came, Benta walked with him instead.

"So Tam, are you ready for your duel exam?" Mimi asked.

"Of course."

Tammi made sure that she was prepared for her exam. If she wins this duel, she'll join the Blue Ranks. Her previous test scores were higher than any other Yellow at DHA, which allowed her to take the duel exam. Of course, Tammi didn't know her opponent yet. She had the choice to choose anyone except Red Rank students as her opponent. It was a tough descision to make. She could duel either Benta, Mimi, or Kenji.


Tammi sat in her first period looking around at her classmates. She was checking out who would be a great opponent. She saw Mimi, who played a Harpie Lady deck. Tammi dueled Mimi many times and won each duel. If she were to face Mimi, it wouldn't be a challenge and Tammi wanted a challenge.

In her gym class, there was another possible opponent. The school's top diver and a Blue Rank student, Victoria. She played a strong Water deck. Victoria never lost a match except the time she went against Kenji. Tammi kept her as a possible opponent.


Tammi wanted to consider Benta, but she's already seen him duel almost 100 times since they've met. Benta was a great duelist and all, but he wasn't what Tammi wanted for her exam.

Then she thought about Kenji. The last time they dueled, Tammi lost badly. She already knew that if she dueled her brother, she would lose in one turn. Tammi really stressed herself out about this. The only person she could duel was Victoria.


The duel was about to start. Everyone gathered in the arena. Tammi stood on the field with her gear ready. The referee began to speak.

"Who's ready for a duel?!?" He shouted. Everyone screamed. The ref then turned to Tammi.

"So who's your opponent?"

"I choose," She looked around for Victoria in the Blue section, but couldn't find her. Tammi started to freak out.

"Well?" The ref said.

"I-I....." Tammi hestitated and picked the first person she saw. "Yuko."

Yuko looked suprised. His mouth was stuffed with popcorn he bought in the caféteria. Everyone looked confused too.

"But he's a Red." The ref reminded.

"I know, but he is the top student in school."

"Good point. Okay everybody, today's match is between Tammi Itaru, Yellow's Princess and Yuko Sorama, The Rising Star!"

Yuko ran onto the field. He was really pumped. Tammi was too. This was going to be their first duel against each other. They shuffled each other's decks.

"This is gonna be awesome." Yuko said giving Tammi back her deck.

"I know right. Good luck."

They activated their gear and drew their first five cards.

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