XLVIII. Waves of Love (Part 2)

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Cieno held up his shining Key of Olympia card and Asia braced. She knew something big was coming. Something she probably wouldn't be able to face against and live to tell the story.


"When I control a Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz monster, I can add two Pendulum monsters from my deck to my hand!"-Cieno

Adds Umi Keeper and Olympic Pathfinder from his deck to his hand.

"Asia, you will now witness my true power!!"-Venito

Sets Umi Keeper(Scale 1) in his right Pendulum Zone and Olympic Pathfinder(Scale 11) in his left. Activates Pathfinder's effect.

"When Olympic Pathfinder is set in a Pendulum Zone, I can select the other Pendulum Scale monster and according to its attribute, I can Pendulum Summon a Pendulum monster from my deck!"-Cieno

"This isn't good...."-Asia

Pendulum Summons Immortal of Water(Water/Lv.10/0 atk) from his deck.

"Peace is near. I activate Immortal of Water's effect! By tributing both monsters set in my Pendulum Zones, I can meld Immortal of Water with Siren of the Dark Sea, Brionic, and Aero Shark to Zeo Summon the Master of Peace!!!"-Reigna

Tributes Umi Keeper and Olympic Pathfinder then melds Immortal of Water(Water), Siren(Water), Brionic(Water), and Aero Shark(Water) to Zeo Summon Oceaus, Olympic Lord of the Seas(Divine/Lv.12/5300 atk).


A giant goddess in blue armor engulfed in a blue aura weilding a giant trident descended from the sky. Asia had never seen a monster so graceful and beautiful. She then realized that she would have to face off against it which was something she found impossible.


"5300 attack points?!?!? How can I defeat that?!?"-Asia

"You can't."-Cieno

Activates Oceaus' effect. (Oceaus:4 ZU/3 ZU)

"When my Olympic Lord is summoned, both players are allowed to draw two cards."-Cieno

{Something tells me that I'm barely going to get out of this}-Asia

They both draw two cards.

"Now strike down her lancer with Storm of Poseidon!!"-Cieno

{No!! This can't end like this}-Asia

Attacks and destroys Poseidon King Lancer with Oceaus(5300 atk/3300 atk). (Asia:2300/1300)

"Why didn't I lose?"-Asia

"One of Oceaus' disabilities lowers its power by 2000 if it attacks a monster in attack mode."-Cieno

{So I'm still in the game}-Asia

"Don't think I'm finished yet. Once Oceaus destroys a monster, I can discard up to two cards to inflict 600 damage to your Life Points for each one I discard!!"-Cieno

Activates Oceaus' effect. (Oceaus:3 ZU/2 ZU) Discards 2 cards. (Asia:1300/100)

{Man this isn't looking too well for me. I have only a few cards to work with. Let's see if I can use them to my advantage and not to his}-Asia

•Asia(100): Draws.

{I hope this works out}-Asia

Sets Ocean Saver(Water/Lv.2/500 def). Sets 2 cards.

"Your turn."-Asia

•Cieno(300): Draws.

"Asia Donta. I hereby declare this to be the end of this duel."-Cieno

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