LX. Pain's Origin (Part 1)

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Yuko opened his eyes after being blinded by a light only to see a world raging with fire. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Building were burned to ashes. Skulls were burning in the flames with flesh still fresh on the bones. The world seemed like hell.

"Where am I?" Yuko explored his surroundings and found out that he was on the stairsteps of a palace. It looked like Deltrus' palace which made Yuko think.

"This must be one of the other realms." Yuko tried to capture a large picture the chaos that was raging before his eyes. "But what happened?"

Laughter was then heard from the top of the staircase. It was maniacal and ruthless to Yuko's ears. He slowly walked up to the palace and found Alec laughing like a psychotic human-being.

Alec was sitting on his throne and laughed even more once he saw Yuko. His evil yet joyous look caught Yuko off guard. "Welcome Yuko!" He leaped off of his throne. "I find it that you're making yourself comfortable," Alec made a drunken expression while maintaining eye contact with Yuko. "Because this will be your new home!! Your final resting place!!"

Yuko couldn't believe who he was facing. He didn't remember Alec presenting himself the he was now when they first met. It was like Alec was a whole new person.

"Did you do this?" Yuko pointed to the burning world behind him.

Alec smirked and laughed even more. "Isn't it beautiful? The people who lived here are now in Hell experiencing eternal torture!!"

Yuko was caught off guard by Alec's response. "And you don't regret it?!?"

"Of course not!! They deserved it. Everyone deserves pain." Alec summoned his duel disk. "Even you. You'll feel the worst amout of pain!!"

Yuko stepped back a bit after he met Alec's burning crimson eyes. He couldn't see any sign of a sensible human being. "W-what are you? A-"

"Monster?" Alec interupted. "Why thank you."

Yuko couldn't look at Alec without feeling sorry for him. Something bad must've happened to drive Alec insane and Yuko was going to find out. "You should be ashamed of yourself." He activated his duel gear. "Watching people die shouldn't be entertaining. If anyone deserves pain, it's you."

Alec expression changed to a serious one. "Trust me. I'm done with living in pain."



"I'll begin!!"-Alec

•Alec(4000): Draws.

{Time to show Yuko true fear}-Alec

Summons Flamvell Firedog(Fire/Lv.4/1900 atk).

"Since I control a Flamvell monster, I can Special Summon this card from my hand!!"-Alec

Special Summons Flamvell Twin Head(Fire/Lv.4/1700 atk) via effect.

"Prepare yourself Yuko! Twin-Head can count as two Zeo Materials!!"-Alec

Melds Firedog and Twin-Head (Fire/Counts as two Zeo Materials) to Zeo Summon Fire-Ring String Master(Fire/Lv.8/2500 def).


A puppet engulfed in flames and tangled in strings stood motionless by Alec's side.


{Defense mode? It must be apart of his strategy}-Yuko

"I'll end my turn with this."-Alec

Sets 1 card.

"My turn."-Yuko

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