XVI. Dragon Master vs Machine King

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Kenji was in the final match of Domino Heart City's National Tournament, the one he was able to enter after he beat Yuko in the Duel-Off. His sister along with Yuko and Benta cheered him on.


•Kenji(3500): Draws.

"I'm ending this."-Kenji

Summons Iceborn Dragon(Water/Lv.1/0 atk).

"When my dragon is summoned, it changes the attribute of two dragons on my field to water! So I'll change Lightpulsar Dragon and Darkflare Dragon!!"-Kenji

(Lightpulsar:Light/Water) (Darkflare:Dark/Water)

"Now I'll combine my three beast into one!!"-Kenji

Melds Iceborn(Water), Lightpulsar(Water), and Darkflare(Water) to Zeo Summon Meteor Yuan Dragon(Water/Lv.8/3000 atk).

"Now I'll use its effect to destroy your monster!"-Kenji

Activates Meteor Yuan's effect. (Meteor Yuan:3 ZU/0 ZU) Destroys Cosmo Queen.

"But that was my best card!!"-Opponent

"Now attack him directly!!! Cosmic Blizzard Stream!!!!"-Kenji

Attack directly with Meteor Yuan. (Opponent:2600/0) Kenji wins.


Everyone cheered Kenji on as he was given his trophy. Tammi and Yuko managed to find Kenji after the match while Benta stayed away and kept his distance. Kenji notices Benta and stares at him for a second. There was a spark of intensity between the two in that quick moment. Benta then turned and left.


The next day at school, Benta kept his distance away from his friends. He needed some time to himself. Thinking about Kenji's victory made Benta angry. All he wanted was a rematch with Kenji, but he never seemed to finally have it. Whenever Kenji dueled, Benta watched closely. It's gotten to the point where Benta can predict Kenji's moves.

During homeroom, Tammi noticed Benta's attitude. She automatically knew that he was thinking about Kenji. After school, she managed to catch her brother.

"What's wrong Tam?" Kenji noticed the worried look on his sister's face.

"It's about Benta."

Kenji remembered his stare down with Benta. He figured that is was serious since Benta's eyes were full of anger. "What about him?"

"I think... Maybe you should..."

"Duel him."

Tammi looked into her brother's eyes. His eyes seemed to be more cold than ever.

"Yesterday, he looked right at me and walked away."

"That doesn't sound like him though."

"You know Benta. That kid has a weird mind."

"So will you duel him?"

Kenji stared down at his sister and nodded.


The next day, Benta woke up to his door bell ringing. To his suprise, it was Kenji.

"Kenji? What are you doing here?"

"I hear that you've been wanting a rematch."

Benta smiled and quickly ran back inside to get dressed. He came back outside with his duel gear.

"I'll meet you in Central Park. Don't keep me waiting."

Kenji left. Benta pulled out his ace, Autocon Champion:Optima.

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