XXIV. Power of One

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Soran has been keeping a close eye on Yuko, Kenji, and The Legion for awhile now. Deltrus put him in charge of being the spy. He was impressed with Yuko's fusion ability and Kenji's strength to Hyper Zeo Summon, but he kept most of his attention on Diron.

Deltrus walked into Soran's room. They managed to find an empty apartment to hide in for awhile. "Anything new?"

"Nada. I already told you about Kenji. Oh and Yuko dueled Ito and lost." Soran replied.

"He lost?"

"Don't worry. He didn't know it was really a member of the Legion."

Deltrus sighed. He questioned Yuko's strengths for a moment. "At least he now has Jaden Yuki alongside him."

"Speaking of which, why did you send that zombie to Yuko so soon?"

Deltrus had a moment to remember back when he witnessed Yuko's duel against Elemantio. "The boy was in trouble. There was no way he could've won without Jaden."

"I wish you could've gave me cards like that." Soran said.

"You've already unlocked your deck's true potential so there's no need." Deltrus watched Soran stare out of a window. He looked bored. Deltrus couldn't bare to see Soran's spirit on the down side. "If you want an assignment, then go infiltrate the Legion's base...."

"Really?!? Wow thanks old man." Soran opened a portal before Deltrus could even finish talking. "I'll be back!"

Deltrus signed. There was no way to control that boy.


Soran arrived in the abandoned ballroom where he watched Kenji duel. He couldn't stop smiling. Deltrus finally gave him a mission worth his time.

"Now where's that throne room?" Soran walked into the hallway. He ran from room to room, but no sign of Diron. He managed to find an arena. The lights were dim. "An arena? Guess Mr. Chaos was expecting me."

"Correct you are, Soran." Diron appeared as the lights came on. He sat on a throne high above the arena. "I've been waiting."

"It's been years buddy." Soran smirked a bit. He's been waiting for this exact moment.

"I am not your buddy."

"Okay then. So are we going to get started with this duel?" Soran summoned a multi-colored duel disk. Diron laughed.

"The time isn't right."

"Whatever Diron. You and your perfect timing. If you ask me, I think you're a big chicken." Soran snickered.

"You never seem to grow up, do you Soran?" Diron snapped his fingers. The other Legion members appeared and circled around Soran. They all had they're duel disk ready and activated. "If want to duel so badly, then you can face my pupils."

Soran took a good look at each member. "Alec, Asia, Shun, and Ito," he recalled. "Very well then. It's been awhile since I've had a challenge." Soran did a few stretches. "Okay here's how we're going to do this. I'll have 8000 Life Points and you four will share 8000, sounds good?"

"Let's just get started." Shun insisted. Soran smiled.



"Since it's four against one, I'll go first."-Soran

•Soran(8000): Draws. Activates Kingdom's Key.

"This spell Special Summons a Blade monster from my deck."-Soran

Special Summons Blade Angel(Wind/Lv.2/1000 atk) from his deck.
Summons Blade Shaman(Wind/Lv.2/800 atk).

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