LXXI. Final Bout (Part 2)

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Yuko and Kenji had high energies. Their friends could feel the intensity between the two. This duel was different from any duel they've had in the past. This time, they were both dueling with every inch of power they had and there was no gurantee on who would win. Yuko and Kenji were finally equally matched.

"Your three Battle Phases have passed, so our monsters that were banished by Chemical Excursion come back!!" Yuko cried as a portal opened over the field. Tora flew out of it followed by Meteor Yuan Dragon. The angel aimed its arrow at Kenji's three dragon as they blew snow, fire, and lighting from their mouths. "Welcome back Tora."

"Nice to have you back Meteor Yuan." Kenji said smirking. He was actually enjoying himself for once. Kenji looked up at his dragons and decided to step his game up. He smiled and his blue eyes glowed and his body was engulfed in a grey light. "I enter my Main Phase 2!"

Yuko stepped back a bit. He wasn't used to Kenji's power just yet. Tammi had told him everything about the Itaru name and he wasn't suprised. If anything, it allowed him to respect Tammi and Kenji more. "Yin, Yang, and Yuan." He laughed. "I should've seen this coming!"

"I don't think your ready for what I have in store. Not even your forbidden cards will stand a chance against this!! I meld my dragons to unleash the Tao Force!!"


Melds Yuan(Water), Yin(Dark), and Yang(Light) to Hyper Zeo Summon Ancient Tao Dragon(Earth/Lv.11/4600 atk).

"Try and beat me now."-Kenji

Sets 2 cards.

"Oh man!! This is sweet!! I get to go up against your Hyper Zeo!! I'm so pump!!"-Yuko

"Yuko's really loud. It's too early for this."-Victoria

"Let him cheer. I would be just as excited too."-Cambell

"Kenji's dragon is really strong. I don't think Yuko will win."-Mimi

"Don't choose sides just yet."-Geno

"This is just what I wanted! A challenge.{Kenji, you've managed to prove yourself as the true Dragon Master people say you are. If I defeat you here and now, I'll become DHA's King as once again}Get ready! I'm going all the way!"-Yuko

•Yuko(3500): Draws.

{I was hoping to draw something like this. Good thing I have Diron's cards}-Yuko

"Why's Yuko smiling like that?"-Benta

"He's about to even out the playing field."-Tammi


"Check this Kenji!"-Yuko

Activates Twilight Change-Dawn Force.

"By tributing up to two Zeo Monsters, I can Special Summon a Light or Dark Attribute Zeo Monster from my Extra Deck for each monster I tributed!!"-Yuko

Tributes Terradin and Aquician to Special Summon Imperial Nightfall Crusader(Dark/Lv.4/2000 atk) and Imperial Dayrise Paladin(Light/Lv.4/2000 atk) from his Extra Deck.


Kenji admired Yuko's two newest monsters. He just realized how much better Yuko has gotten at dueling. When first met Yuko, he was reckless and out-spoken. Now Yuko matured and his dueling has shown that. He still seems a bit reckless, but at least now he thinks about his actions. "Impressive."

"Thanks Kenji." Yuko could see Kenji's smile. It made him happy to know how far they've come since their last duel. Looking over at Kenji with his eyes glowing, Yuko wanted to power up too. His focused his energy and his Mark of Unity became to glow. Things were about to get interesting. "You know, I don't think you've seen what I can achieve now."

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