Part 33

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"We can work something out" you try to reassure him "besides, we can always text."

"Heh, yeah. Welp, I guess I'll see you kiddo" Sans says waving goodbye as you walk home.

"Bye" you say waving back.


A few days pass. Life is normal.

A week passes. You spend some time with Josephine.

Two weeks pass. You've tried texting Sans, Alphys and Papyrus multiple times. But nobody responded.


(Back in Alphys's lab)

It's been less than one week since Sans last saw you. The papers Toriel gave Alphys are exactly what Sans needed. Sans is the only one who can read the notes. The notes written by the old royal scientist, W.D. Gaster.

Sans translated the papers for Alphys. Alphys compared the papers to other notes that they have gathered. It took her a day to figure everything out, and a few more days to set everything up. Alphys thinks she successfully created a machine to help Sans get out of the middle form he has been stuck in.

"Hey, S-sans, do you remember a-anything? Y'know . . . from l-last time?" Alphys asks Sans nervously. Sans is about to step inside the machine.

"It's kind of blurry . . ." Sans blushes "But it does look familiar . . ."

"A-are you ready?" Alphys asks for the hundredth time.

"Alphys, like a said before, I'm ready" Sans says. Alphys nods.

Sans tucks his tail in a steps inside the machine. A glass door closes behind him followed by metal bars. Sans summons his soul. The machine turns on. Sans starts to freak out as he remembers what happened last time. He can feel the Blasters trying to get out, to take control . . .

"S-Sans! Calm down!" Alphys yells.

Too late. Sans is already transforming into the Gaster Blaster Beast.

Gaster Blaster Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now