Chapter 10

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Ali's pov

Mom gives me a hug and I look at my phone to see what time it was. It is only 7:15, we have 15 minutes until the boys pick us up. My phone vibrates, so i look down and see i have a reminder for homecoming. I sigh, lock my phone, and put it back in my pocket. I dont want to go hoco dress shopping later. I mean i love looking at dresses, but putting them on is another story.

Mom gives Ronnie a huge hug which is odd because mom doesnt give big hugs that often. I then feel my my phone go off in my pocket again. It better not be another reminder for homecoming.

Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.

Gray 💪💙
Hey, Ali I need you to do me the hugest favor?

Depends on what it is...

Gray 💪💙
Well... I need you to take Ronnie to the bleachers right before lunch. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Sure... If you dont mind me asking, what is it about?

Gray 💪💙
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. You'll see when you get there. ;)


*skips pick-up and drive to school*

Ronnie's pov

We all walk into school like normal. Gray and I holding hands, and Ali and Ethan holding hands. Our fingers are intertwined but we are holding hands in a friendly way.

Grayson walks me to my locker, waits for me, goes to his locker, then class. We still walk in hand in hand, people looking at us as normal. I dont mind the looks. We; by we i mean Ali, Ethan, Grayson, and I; all have the same first hour. Ugh i really dont like Science. But I deal with it because Gray sits next to me in here. Out of all of my classes with Grayson, which is all except choir right before lunch, this is the only one we sit next to eachother in. Lucky for Ali and Ethan, they have every single class together and sit next to eachother in each of them.

Our teacher, Mrs. Keys, walks in and sits at her desk. She looks at her desk with her newer computer, our school just got every teacher, on it and starts to type away answering emails or whatever she normally does in the morning. We always have the first few minutes to just talk and sometimes she joins into some of our conversations. But today, i guess she will just sit at her desk.

*skips morning class.*
☆Ali and Ethan are in Spanish☆
☆Ronnie is in Choir☆
☆Grayson is in Study hall☆

Grayson's pov

So this is it.

Ive been waiting to do this for i dont know how long.

Its now or never.

Hey guys. CLIFFHANGER. Lol i love leaving yall in suspense. Sorry for the inactivity. Im trying my hardest to update. I have some ideas but not many, so comment any ideas if you have some.
I love you.💙 byeeeee.

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