Mikayla’s POV
The score right now is 2-2. We are tied. We have ten minutes left. Are you freaking kidding me? At half time, we were up 2-0, but we let them grab two goals off of us. I just can’t grasp the idea of my brother and best friend hooking up. I feel like I feel like Zac Efron when he’s singing ‘Get’cha Head in the Game’ right about now. I need to focus on the game. Focus on the game Mikayla, the game. “Brittany!” I yell at her, she has the ball in the middle and is dribbling with speed in my direction. She always had the best foot skills I have ever laid my eyes on for a center midfielder. She passes the ball through a gap between me and my defender, Samantha. I get the ball and start dribbling toward the goal. I get ready to take a shot when, Samantha comes from behind and kicks the ball out for a corner kick. Our usual kicker is running to get the ball, when I stop her and call Richards to take it. “Are you sure?” She asks me uneasily. “Maddie, I’ve seen you do it in practice, you can do it now. Find me front post.” She nods her head and heads over to take the kick. I told her to get it to me at the front post, but I never stand front post. I make a run from the center to the front post. Richards puts her hand up, signaling us she’s ready to take the kick. When she takes the kick, it’s exactly where I want it. I run form where I am and jump higher than anyone else. The ball comes in contact with my head and I flick it into the far post. I’m watching it go into the net, still in the air, when I suddenly feel two hands on me. Then I hit my head on something, HARD. I collapse to the ground and black out. I feel nothing, see nothing, and can’t move anything. I hear everything going on, the cheering and screaming, because we’d won, until I hear Brittany on the ground next to me saying my name in my ear, “Mikayla? Mikayla, wake up! Mikayla, get up!” She’s crying now, I hear it in her voice. I didn’t know she cared so much. I hear other people running over. “Mikayla? Kid? Can you hear me?” This time it was my coach. “Can I get a medic over here?!” I hear my mother sobbing and yelling for me to get up. What’s happening to me? “Mikayla, please, you have to get up, okay? Please.” Cameron. He’s is full-on sobbing right now. “Please wake up!” I want to. I really do. But, I can’t Cam. If only I could speak so he can hear me. All I’m hearing now is a muffling of voices, and I know that I’m blacking out completely now. “Mikayla, I”— and at the last second, the whistle blows, ending the game, I had scored the tie-breaker, and now, I’m fighting for the last seconds of my life.
*Jessica POV*
I have just spent hours getting ready for my date with Seth. I’m so relieved that he called me. I mean, the guy is always supposed to make the first move, and I was starting to think he didn’t love me anymore or that he never did. He picked me up in his BMW an hour early, which was very classy by the way. He told me the rest of his family were going to head to the game later and wanted to know if we could go somewhere to eat first. So, we went to McDonald’s. I was never the kind of girl to go somewhere fancy, and I love McDonald’s so we ate there and headed over to the game. I loved watching my sister play soccer, she is so good! I don’t know where all of her skills came from, but it sure did her some good! The Wilsons always come out to a game, even when their own kid isn’t playing and so do we. It was just a thing our families always did for each along with the other many things. When we arrived at the school, the stadium was packed! The game started in a half hour. We saw both of our parents’ and siblings, but we sat far away from them so we could be alone. The game started and Seth looked a little cold. “Seth, are you cold?” He shook his head, “No, no I am fine. I’m just trying to get used to California evenings in October again. You know, living in Texas for movies and all.” I laughed at his lie, well, half-truth. “Seth, come here.” I told him, and he scooted over closer to me and we cuddled on the hard bleachers. “Let’s get some cocoa.” He said to me. “Yeah sure. Let’s go!” There was a few minutes left in the game so I doubted that anyone would be up out of their seats. We got in line for the cocoa and he asked me, “Are you going to college?” That was totally out of the blue. “I just want to know what your plans are for the future” He continued. “Yes, Seth what’s this about?” “Nothing, look at your cocoa.” Look at my cocoa? He’s freaking me out now. Do I need to take him to a mental hospital? When I looked down at my cocoa, I saw S+J in a heart in the foam. “Seth…” I turned around and he wasn’t there. “Over here, Jess!” I turned the other way and there he was, with roses in his hands. This is so cute. “Jessica Wilde, will you please be my girlfriend?” Oh. My. God. I seriously can’t function properly. Well, not enough to get the words out, so I just nod my head ‘yes’ because I can’t physically say it. He walks over to me, puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me. He kisses me with so much passion, so much…love. Our kiss is broken by a shrieking sound on the field. Seth and I run over to see what’s going on. I see my mother on the ground crying, my father standing with tears in his eyes, and Sienna is crying while holding A.J. Then I turn to the field and see Mikayla on the ground, unconscious, with blood coming out of her head. I put my hand over my mouth and felt my eyes start to water. This can’t be happening. Not again, not my little sister.

Teen FictionSaverina Wilde, just your average teenage girl who's parents happen to be international superstars. She's got the money, perfect family, amazing friends, soccer star and destined for a scholarship, and every girl wants to be her. The one thing that...