Chapter 10: The Last Second Tie- Breaker
*Hayden POV*
Today is the day. Brooke and I are going to tell Mikayla the truth. I know she’s nervous. She was hanging on to me for dear life yesterday when Chase was talking to us. Everything he said was true. And we should’ve told her the moment it happened.
“What the hell is going on here?” Chase bursts through the door. I can’t move, nor do I want to. Brooke hasn’t moved either; I’m not sure she’s still breathing. Chase speaks up again, “I said, what the hell is going on here?!” His voice booms across the room. “Chase! Shut up! They’ll hear you!” “You mean Mikayla will hear?” Chase says. I sigh and look at Brooke, she nods, and giving me the ‘go’ ahead to tell him what’s happening. “Dude, sit down.” I braced myself for the information I’m about to fill my brother in on. “I’m in love with Brooke” “And I’m in love with Hayden” Brooke finished. I watched as Chase’s jaw dropped, staring at us. I didn’t say anything because I knew he was going to need some time to process this. “Wait…you’re in love with Brooke.” I nodded. “Brooke Callaway, your sister’s best friend.” I nodded again. “And Brooke, you’re in love with Hayden…” She nodded too. I couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy inside. “As in Hayden Wilde… the one that tormented you and threw away your favorite doll when we were kids?” She nodded gain. Okay I knew he needed time but, times up. “Okay dude! We get it! We both love each other!” I screamed out of frustration. “You guys have to tell her. Why are you keeping it from her in the first place? Not only is she going to be pissed but, upset as well!” Chase screams. “We’re going to tell her.” Tell who what? “Yeah Chase, were telling her tomorrow after the game.” Brooke still hasn’t said anything, it’s like she’s frozen. “As long as you do tell her, were cool.” After Chase said that, Brooke gave me kiss goodbye and walked out into the hallway. “Dude, are you crazy?” “I think I am Chase, I think I am.”
Before we tell her, we have to sugar it up a bit first. So, were taking her to Fogo de Chao, because it’s a meat buffet and I know she loves meat, and then were taking her to Coldstone’s, and lastly a Justin Bieber concert. I hope it’s enough, this can’t be ruined.
Mikayla’s POV
I didn’t see Cameron at his locker today. I wonder where he is. He said he would be here for me. That’s the thing about Cameron, not only is he gorgeous, caring, and have washboard abs but, he’s a great friend. If he doesn’t show up, I’ll be really disappointed. When I’m almost to my first period, I see one of my brother’s friends Tyler outside the door, until he sees me and quickly gets inside. What the— “Mikayla!” I snap my head around and at the back of the classroom I see the boys’ soccer team, all with white shirts on. Then one my one they take their shirts off, yelling the letter painted on their chest. By the time they were done, it said, ‘GO MIKAYLA and MVHS GIRLS SOCCER!’ Cameron was the exclamation point. “Aww, you guys!” I ran up and hugged Cameron. “That was so sweet of you!” Cameron’s face reddens. “It was my idea.” He says sheepishly. “Aww, Cam Bam!” His face got redder as I used his nickname, so I kissed him on the cheek. Then I remembered, boys’ soccer team, my brothers! Oops. “Umm, you guys should get to class now!” Chase says to the boys. As soon as they all leave, Cameron, my brothers, and I take our seats. “What was that?” Chase asks me. “What was what?” “You and Cameron back there,” I sigh in annoyance, “Chase, I promise you, I am not hooking up with you best friend.” Yet. “Okay. Just remember, we’re always watching.” We both look back to our teacher and pay attention to the lesson.
*Lunch Time*
I’m starving! I’m so happy it’s lunch time, I was seriously about to die. Today, all of the girls got a healthy and nutritious lunch consisting of chicken Alfredo pasta, salad, fruit, and water. We had to eat it all, or else we were benched. All of the sports teams got this on game days, and it wasn’t that bad. I grab my plate and head over to my table where a bunch of people for the school newspaper are waiting. “Mikayla! What are you eating for lunch?” “Mikayla, are you ready for today’s game? “Are you nervous?” “What’s your pregame ritual?” “Are you afraid that River Heights’ new defender, Samantha Farley, will lessen your chances of scoring?” All of the commotion stopped after whoever asked that question asked it. It was that question that ticked me off. “Who asked that last question?” I got up and looked at the newspaper people angrily. “Well, I’m waiting!” The whole cafeteria was at attention now. Then this kid with glasses and brown hair stands up, making himself noticed. “What’s your name?” I asked him calmly. “Uh… my name is St-Steven L-lo-long.” I nodded in acceptance. “Well then, Steven Long, you want to know if I am afraid of her. I’m not. I play ODP with her, and I know all of her tactics. Even if I didn’t know that, I still wouldn’t be afraid. You know why? Because I recall that last year, I was player of the year. Yes, she wasn’t in this district last year but, I was still it. I still am it. And if you or anyone one else seems to think differently let me know and I’ll take you on, one on one, out on the field, anytime, just to prove it to you.” That’s how I ended my little escapade and all I heard was silence. “Oh, by the way, come out to the game tonight at 7 o’clock!” Then everyone started chatting again. The newspaper kids left and I could breathe again. “Why do they do this every year? Why don’t they ask Brittany all of those questions? I’m no celebrity.” My friends just stare at me. Cameron leans in and says; “I think you are a celebrity” I smiled. He always knew how to make things better.

Ficção AdolescenteSaverina Wilde, just your average teenage girl who's parents happen to be international superstars. She's got the money, perfect family, amazing friends, soccer star and destined for a scholarship, and every girl wants to be her. The one thing that...