It's starting (1)

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The night shun before a silhouette, a commoner in disguise, a quest, his life will turn upside down from the request of the Princess in the country, "Hello, I am Lon, daughter of the King Luz and Queen Kain, please to meet you Soraru-sama..."

And that's when his life turn upside down


A young albino with the name Mafumafu, who work in a common fruit store near his own house was currently in state of confusion

Now upon hearing a "help" in front of his house, he found a young girl between an age of 24-27 with a really looking expensive yellow dress collapsed in front of his doorstep


The dumbfounded lad was now panicking on not knowing what to do in this kind of situation, but anyway rather than earning a weird look from his neighbor's he took the blonde girl inside his house

After giving a warm towel to the girl who is not waking up at all, he check her heartbeat to know that she is indeed alive

He started to look at her face, she is actually really pretty but not much of his type and that's when he realized

She is the Princess of his country...


"WH-WHAT SHOULD I DO?! IF SOMEONE MISUNDERSTOOD, I'LL GO TO JAIL!! JAIL!!! MOOOOOOM!" Panicking, Mafu started to run around the house with a blank mind

The first straight thing he could think about is.. calling Amatsuki


After hearing an albino speaking gibberish through a call, Amatsuki who doesn't really believe the child word, walk in the cold night to reach his friend's house

Knock knock

"Mafu! Are you there?" He knock a bit more after not hearing any reply from the albino, thinking the albino might been eating some weird food from the previous outburst, he knock faster in a little panick state"What did you eat for tonight?! MAFU??!! WHAT DID YOU EAT!!?PLEASE DON'T DO DRUG!! MAFUUUUUUUUUU!"



"I EAT CUP RAMEN!" The door was slam open

As the brunette stop punching the poor door, he glance at the albino who look pale... really pale

Did he really do drug?


"NO AMA-CHAN I DID NOT!" Mafu who seem to read his mother's mind sigh... Then after some while, they heard a loud bang inside Mafu's house, surprising both of the lad

Mafu immediately starting to panick, while the guy in front of him was giving a 'wtf' look, before any noise would be made again, Mafu took his best friend hand and lead him to the living room that show a blonde girl who seems to knock out a vase in the table

Amatsuki who recognize the lady in front of him turned pale, while he started to shiver in horror at the sight he saw, he tried to look at the albino hoping he would get an answer for this situation

But no

Mafu was currently lying dead in the floor while twitching a little

"MAFU?!" Amatsuki hold the lifeless body who tried to regain his composure

"Ama-chan... If I died please tell my mother that I-"

"I THOUGHT I AM YOUR MOTHER?!!" Amatsuki's outburst startled the albino who quickly stand up in shocked

Both of the lad seems to be in their own little world forgetting the lady in front of them, seeing such a ridiculous show, she started to chuckled at their own idiotic


Frozen both in physically and mentally, Mafu and Amatsuki slightly looking toward the direction where the voice come for

Mafu's knee started to gave up on him, making him falling to his despair

"uh ah uuhhhh ummm.." Amatsuki who tries his best to not faint stuttering like crazy

Everything seems so stupid for the blonde haired girl... Too stupid that this might've been a high-class comedy excluding the fact that this is reality and both guy is such a wimp

"Hey.." The girl tries to call them out but was responded by a dead silence as both of the lad eyes winded at the voice

Both of the lad fastly regaining their composure, maybe because of the fact that they just realized the Princess of the country is watching them dying away in such an embarrassing way

"Ah... Um yeah..." Mafu standing up while fixing his clothes , "So u-"

Before the albino finished his sentence he was cut by Amatsuki, "You are Princess Lon right?!" The question was then answered by a nod from Lon

"What?! Ah I'm not sure why I'm surprised but... Why are you in front of my house?" Asked the albino who then sit down in the sofa along with Amatsuki

Lon sigh, "I am sorry to bother you both.."

Mafu was surprised by the statement, "Eh?!! No! No! You don't! Don't worry!!" He shook his hand to deny her, "Just why are you just.. um... there?"

Lon re adjust her sit and calmly explain what's happening , "I run away from the castle because of an arrange marriage..."

"Oh well that's simple.." Amatsuki muttered as Mafu sigh ,"Why though? Isn't it a great thing? Getting married I mean"

"I don't want to get married with someone I don't know...." Lon sigh while crossing her arms, "I wanted to find my true love.."

"Wow that's romantic!" Said Amatsuki while Lon chuckled,

"Why thank you, but now apparently the kingdoms soldier was searching for me, I guess I need to go.."

"Eh really??! Don't you want to find your true love?? You shouldn't give up so fast!" Mafu screech in horror as he see the young lady standing up

"I wanted to but I can't... hehe do you know Mafu-san? The first time I hear your voice, I thought you're a girl~" Lon jokingly taunted Mafu who turn red in embarrassed while pouting a bit

The harmony was then destroyed by a knock on the door, oh why dear door is so popular that night.. "Excuse me, I'm from the royal family soldier, we wanted to do an inspection!"

Oh now what?


Ok omg my first fanfic and none would read this... pls comment and let me know on what this bad book i made XD ok omg my grammar

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