soraru-sama (4)

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96neko open the door slowly, revealing some expensive looking walls and lead Mafu toward the hall, passing some good pictures that looks expensive as hell too

"Um... 96neko-san, I don't think I am able to do this." Mafu started feeling lightweight as his mind suddenly becoming more dizzy every step he take in this castle, "Eh? Now that remind me of something!" Mafu was surprised by the sudden voice from the blonde girl

"What is it?"

"Can you dance?"


"Hoooh..." 96neko hum, "Well it's ok, if someone ask for a dance in the ball, just say that you are sick and unable to move much~"

"What?" Mafu ask but wasn't answered as 96neko open the door, everytime a door is open, Mafu feels like he wanted to curl up in a ball on a corner so no one notice him, "I can do this.." Mafu whisper to himself as he tries to gather as much courage as he could

"This way my lady." 96neko started to use formal speaking on Mafu. She offer a hand toward Mafu while smiling

Mafu inhale deep and take 96neko's hand,

And before he know it, he was in front of the king and the queen. . .

'i want to go home...' Mafu keep on chanting, how did this escalated so quickly? All what Mafu remembered doing is walk down the stair and people clapping hand

"Lon! Why are you late? We all have been waiting for you!" Oh now Reol-sama is talking to him, ok so what should he do now? Mafu shivered as he go and stutter something,

"He-hello ma'am, please excuse me, I deeply apologize for my mistake. I will not let you down at all."

Reol give 'her' a confused look at her face, "What happening with you Lon? Haha~ I am only your mother, why won't you just speak casually with me? What's with the 'ma'am'?" Reol chuckled a bit at Mafu's pale face

Mafu can only just nod in reply, he feel like puking anytime. He was trying to find King Kradness but it seems like he was talking with a bunch of people in the corner so he won't greet him just yet. Mafu is very confused on what to do at the moment so he sat down on a table while munching on the cake that was given to him before.

Suddenly someone touch his shoulder almost making him scream as his whole energy drain in a second. Mafu slowly look behind him to see a handsome man that seems to be around his twenties. "H-Hello.." Mafu whisper at the man who he doubt hear his voice

"Lon-san, it's been a while." He smile softly making Mafu's heart goes faster as he think that the smile on that man face looks totally good on him, "Ah, yes.."

Before anyone can say any other word, Kradness suddenly walk toward Mafu, "Oh hello Lon, and hello Soraru, you have grown up eh?" Kradness smile at the man that he called 'Soraru'

Soraru smile back in advance to Kradness as he shake his hand while Mafu is lost in thought, 'Who is this guy? Soraru?'

"I will take my excuse, please have fun you guys, as you will be husband and wife" Kradness smile while walking away to another table

Hah, husband...? Wife...? OH so this is the guy that Lon tell Mafu and Amatsuki about the arrange marriage. Mafu look back to the lad in front of him, Soraru smile at Mafu as Mafu can't help but to giggled a bit when he realized something wrong with this Soraru. Soraru-sama from before have been forcing a smile and his face is totally written, 'I'm annoyed'. How does people doesn't notice his sour face?

"Eh, what happen Lon-san?" Soraru raise a brow from the 'girl' weird act in front of him. Mafu is giggling at Soraru while forgetting about being nervous and all.

"You seem to doesn't like being in this place Soraru-san." Mafu wipe a tears from his eyes and try to calm himself down and breath normally

Soraru was shocked by that statement, Lon rarely take notice of him. Soraru drop his smiling face and smirk, "Yeah I don't" Mafu laugh even more but he close his mouth to stop it, he doesn't want to attract peoples attention at all.

Soraru noticed something different from 'Lon'. She seems a bit taller than before and her voice is different but he assume that puberty did all of that since it's been years since they meet. The last time they meet is 12 years ago. Yes it's been a while since they meet each other yet now they were engaged.

Lon's attitude seems a bit different so he talk to her more, "How is your life?" Soraru ask, Mafu started panicking again as he doesn't know what to answer, "Decent, I guess. How about you Soraru-sama?". Soraru cringe a bit when Mafu utter the word 'Soraru-sama'. "Can you please drop the -sama? It make me cringe a bit, it's not like we just met anyway."

Now this shocked Mafu, Lon and this person ever meet? Now that he think about it, Soraru and the person he saw earlier in the photo that located in Lon's room looks similar. But even hearing Soraru's voice made Mafu feels nostalgic. "Hehe ok, so what shall I call you then?"

"Just the usual 'soraru-san' is ok." Soraru reply toward Mafu as he giggled, "Why ok then, Soraru-san~"

It calm Mafu when he know that Soraru is an easygoing person, after some chat together, suddenly a music come in.. eh? Why is everyone dancing? What is this? I-is this what 96neko said before?

The confused Mafu were shocked by the sudden crowd of people walking in the rythm. Mafu look back at Soraru and he show him his hand asking for a dance together, Mafu remembers 96neko's word to pretend he is sick but he can't possibly reject the lad in front of him. He slowly accept the offer and Soraru started led him to the dance.

Mafu almost trip from his own gown but Soraru hold him tight to not let him fell down, he chuckles from the albino's clumsiness. "Are you ok? Lon-san?" The word 'Lon' makes Mafu realise that he is now 'Lon' and he shall not disappointed her and try his best to act calmly in situations. "I'm ok, thanks Soraru-san.."

Mafu follow Soraru's lead as he follow the rhythm of his pace. It's no that hard when Soraru hold him for dance. Mafu feels so grateful that the prince that Lon suppose to marry is kind, but then again Lon doesn't want this arrange marriage.

The albino look at the lad's face in front of him, Soraru were staring at him, he was immense by 'Lon'. Soraru's current face is so gentle and it makes Mafu's heart beats faster. Mafu look down to avoid Soraru's gaze. 'No! Bad Mafu! Why is your face so red?! Stop it!' Mafu lost his sanity and almost lost his balance but the led won't let Mafu fall.

"You seems tired? You should rest.." Soraru whispered in worried hoping that the person he is holding won't be hurt. "It's fine I'm ok I-"

Before he know it Mafu faint


Been a while im sori to not update for a long time, tbh i plan to make this for Soraru bday... yes its been a rlly long time but oh well
Happy new year everyone! Hope 2k17 be kind to u all :3

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