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Soraru is currently fidgeting on the sofa while trying to think as best as he could. Just a few days more is his lovely albino boyfriend's birthday and he is currently lost on what to do. Mafu will turn 25 in just 1 more day, yet Soraru hasn't prepared anything, he grunt as he hide his face using the pillow, "Aaah what should I do??",

Mafu is a simple guy, just a gift and a 'Happy Birthday' will make him happy and cry from joy, but Soraru insist on making that day the best day Mafu could ever have in his life.

Before Soraru could complain more about how stupid he is, his phone ring and seems like Amatsuki has call him, Soraru pick up his cellphone and what he hear next frightened him


Amatsuki's voice is really loud and it hurts Soraru's ear, he sigh and respond, "No I haven't... Will you give me any idea?"

"Eh?????!!!!!!! This is Mafu's birthday and it's really special! You are the one who supposed think for surprises, Mafu will be grateful for your hardwork!"

Soraru sigh, 'Then why does he even call me' is what he think. But Amatsuki does get a point, he need to do this by himself........ but really why does he even call him.

Just a second before Soraru could say a 'good bye' to the brunette, Amatsuki suddenly talk like there's no tomorrow,

"Soraru-san I'm going to your place now, wait is Mafu there? I wanted to help you on surprising that child eh but you need to use your mind for it, I'm just gonna help doing physical work not mentally like for example you wanted to buy a rose, I will help you find a great shop, yes so i am on the way, no actually I am not but I'm preparing for your answer."

"Ehh!?" Soraru's ears started aching a little, if he turn deaf this year he will blame Amatsuki for the damages. "Yes, yes Amatsuki, now good bye" Soraru immediately turn of the call, now he have lesser time to think on what to do.

Before a second even past, Soraru's phone vibrate, indicating that someone seems to sent him a message

Ah it's Mafumafu

Soraru slowly open the messenger and check what Mafu just sent him,

' soraru-san, I am now otw to your place, be ready in 2 minutes!! '

Soraru couldn't help but face palm at the fact that people keep ruining his time to imagine for Mafu's birthday, well Mafu coming to his apartment is fine, he enjoy his company but he really need to start preparing for the day.

Soraru took a glance to his phone and realize that he need to get ready in 2 minutes... He haven't even took a bath yet...

"AHHHHHHH" Soraru grunt, "Oh well, it's only Mafu anyway.." he shrug while casually fall and flop on the sofa, but once more, just after another second, his door bell ring

"Soraru-san!! It's me Mafu!~" The albino's voice echo through the apartment while Soraru on the other hand, lazily open the door for Mafu to come in

"Hello~" Mafu giggled after looking at Soraru, "Huwaaa Soraru-san! You haven't took a bath yet?" He childishly ask to Soraru as he noticed a lot of Soraru's bed hair and he looks a little drowsy.

Before the annoyed lad could even reply, Mafu tip toes to Soraru and give him a peck on lips, "Hehe~ I miss you" Mafu smile making the lad in front of him in a blushing mess

'AHHHHH why is he so cute?!!' Soraru tries to hide his blush while he scratch his hair in frustration, why is Mafu teasing him in this kind of situation

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