tired (5)

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Mafu found himself waking up in an unfamiliar room, not surprising but this is not Lon's room. He stood up from his recent position and stare blankly on the wall. His body feels light and when he saw his clothing, it's a plain white t-shirt and brown short pants. And then he notice that his hair feels lighter than before. Oh seems like he's not using the wig anymore.

He take a step from the bed and check the mirror out. Yeah Mafu is not using any of his cosplay anymore and he is glad. Very glad.

"Oh so you've waken up"

Oh no

No no no

That voice is...

"Hello dear stranger I guess? Since I don't know your name.."

Oh dear God

Mafu know that he fucked up when he see the guy in front of him..


Mafu can't feel his tounge as his body got tense from fear. Fear of being ended up in jail. Gosh Mafu even start to wonder on what does he ever done to deserve this treatment

"So- soraru-sama.." Mafu's voice hitched as his voice sounded more masculine than his previous voice which is girlish. Mafu cringe internally.

"Hmm? Well you seem familiar.. Are you Lon's cousin? Did Lon set you up for this?"


"Who are you?"

"Ah I'm.."

Mafu's voice lost in the world when a door was slam open to show a guy that seem familiar... Oh it was the guard that Mafu saw the other night named Kain. Yes Mafu still remember that name.

"Oh Kain!"

"Hello Soraru-san" Kain utter the name casually without any respect, that's weird but maybe they are close friend.

"And you!" Kain shout while pointing toward Mafu, "Mafumafu, yeah Kashitarou told me about the situation."



It was still early morning when Lon meet Kashitarou who Amatsuki tell her that Kashitarou have some connection toward the palace. They sat down at the sofa and Amatsuki prepare some tea for both of the guest (?)

"So may I know what is your connection with the palace, Kashitarou-san?" Lon questioned the lad that sit in front of her

"I am just a bookstore owner right beside this street, but I have a close friend that work as a guard in the palace." Kashitarou smiled while sipping some of his tea

Lon nod in understanding, sure Kashitarou may know one of the guard but what is the plan? Lon doesn't question it and listen to Amatsuki

"We told the guard name Kain about this situation, I hope you don't mind. We ask him to keep an eye on Mafu so that he won't ruin things for you" well that's seems to be the plan that Amatsuki thought of

"I don't mind Amatsuki-san, and Mafu-san has did a lot of things for me and I'm sure I won't be dissapointed on anything he do, in fact I should be grateful.." Yes Lon has been a bit selfish to ask a stranger for help and she might need to go back to the palace so she won't bother her citizen more.

But Lon doesn't want to marry Soraru. Sure they are very close and most people might think they were dating when they were child but Lon only think of Soraru as a brother figure and not more than that.

"We contact Kain about this and he is very shock but he says he will help us" Kashitarou continue Amatsuki

Now this Kain is very kind, this act might lead him to prison but he is too kind, gosh Lon is blessed by people around her.

"We will receive more information later on." Amatsuki says and Lon nod acknowledging his sentence

"I hope for the best I guess?" Lon laugh a bit "Well at least Mafu-san won't fight this alone.."

Lon knew she is very selfish but she don't want to go back and marry Soraru. No she don't want it at any cost.


"Ah is that so, Mafumafu? Lon ask you for this?" Soraru hum, regardless if he was pleased or upset, his tone of voice doesn't really show his feelings.


"Then we should play along~"

"W-what?!" Mafu hardly believe that the royal prince wanted to play along with his role play.

"Yeah if that's what Lon want! I mean it's not like I ever really harbour any feelings more than friendship with her.."

Wow Soraru, okay, Mafu is very very speechless

"Oh and you see, I'll be staying here for a week, pleased to meet you Mafumafu." Soraru smile his professionals smiles, looking elegant, suave as he turn his back from Mafu.

"I'll be leaving now as it seems that it will be inappropriate to stay at a lady's room this late." The prince walk toward the door before nodding in approvement before he leave through it.

Mafu is very confused? He can't?

"Well that's that Mafumafu-san, I need to take my leave now, for tomorrow arrangement, 96neko will help you with it so don't worry." Kain smile as he leave the room before adding, "I hope Lon-san will be happy."

Mafu feel like he will faint but he doesn't so he fell down to his bed.

God what have he done in his past life that he deserve this?

Hello! Yes i dont die:) I apologize to never actually update much like gosh it's been more than a month. I am running low in inspiration for this fanfic but I will indeed finish it eventually. I am also sorry that it's short as I am very busy irl. Gosh I'm pathetic but oh well I hope people won't be dissapoint...

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