Morning (3)

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Before Mafu know it, he is now inside the castle.. Oh how smart it is for him to fall asleep in carriage..Now He is inside a room, laying in a really looking expensive bed while using the same dress as yesterday.

He's grateful that no one change his clothes for him..

The room is really big though, it's like entirely his house, well his house is indeed small but still... The wall was painted in beige colour and most of the property inside was coloured purple, maybe because purple symboled the meaning of royalty. Mafu has a hard time adjusting his mind.

He stand up slowly while wobbling a little from a headache he got yesterday, many thing just change in 1 night.

Looking around in the room he saw some photographs of Princess Lon and her family, she and her little yellow dress suit her very much and it's look cute while Queen Reol has a very nice purple dress on her along with her husband, King Kradness

'Such a beautiful family' Mafu thought while he is tainted by a tint of jealousy, Mafu do wish for a nice family in his live

Knock knock

Now back to the situation, Mafu heard a sudden knock on the door, the door creak a bit and it open slowly to show a girl....

or is it a boy?

"Morning, Lon-sama.." she walk toward Mafu who get tense a little by the smirk of the servant, why is she smirking? "Oh dear you look horrible this morning! Have you check yourself in the mirror?"

Oh God

When Mafu saw himself in the mirror, well simple to say is that, the wig fell off....


"Haha~ Such a priceless expression" the servant sat down on a chair as Mafu got speechless while he glance over the blonde wig that was laid in the bed and his white hair was shown clearly for the servant to see

"Don't worry I won't shout, I believe Lon will do this when she run away from the castle" she giggled a bit while dropping the '-sama' for Lon, maybe she is more than a servant to Lon?

"Ugh.. I'm sorry do you know Lon-sama?" Mafu ask while mentally facepalm on such a really stupid question he just utter

"Yeah duh, though our relationship is more than a servant and it's master." She shrug while

"May I ask what is your relationship with Lon-sama?" Mafu asked afraid that this servant might be Lon-sama's partner

"I am her childhood best friend I guess? Now you are changing the topic huh?"

Mafu need to admit that asking all of that question is to avoid the main topic of why is he pretending to be Lon?

"Why are you here? Did Lon ask you to do this? Who are you?"

Being flooded by the questions she asked, Mafu lost his balance and fall to the cold hard floor....or reality

"Ugh, well to start with... My name is Mafumafu."


Now with Amatsuki and Lon

It was beautiful morning with the bird chirping and everything, just like some fairy tale with Cinderella talking with her little bird and mouse. A nice breakfast with a good o'll tea will be a perfect way to start a day.

Well that is the situation for everyone else except Amatsuki and Lon.

Amatsuki decided to go back to his house last night as it is inappropriate to sleep under the same roof with a lady, Lon doesn't really care but Amatsuki insist since he need some decency with the princess.

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