a day (6)

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Mafu wake up to a pretty sight. It's so beautiful in Mafu's eyes that he can't even describe how he is feeling right now. His mouth wide open his lips is straining from how much he is grinning at this very moment.

Such a luxurious breakfast...

Excited, Mafu jump from his bed, running toward the table while rubbing his eyes. He still don't believe it. He wipe his drool with a napkin and sit down on the chair.

Mafu lick his lips, "Itadakimasu!" He beam and immediately grab the knife and fork, cutting on to the soft pancake. He never feel so happy in his life.

Mafu started to munching when he hears a grumble from his stomach. Oh wait it's not his stomach, he look and scan around the room if anyone's there. Then he notice a certain man next to the door.

"S-Soraru-san.." Mafu mutter and the he suddenly realize that Soraru has been watching Mafu from the moment he wake up, "What are you doing in here?" Mafu blush and what Mafu get is a chuckle from Soraru.

"You are a funny man Mafu, it's also a very cute reaction I got there, are you THAT starving?"

That sentence that come from Soraru's mouth make Mafu redder than he already is

"Well of course I am, I haven't eaten much food lately due to stress" Mafu complain

Soraru just hum and smirk, walking nearer toward Mafu, "You know I think I've seen you somewhere.." Soraru says while looking at Mafu's face making Mafu flustered.

"I don't know, maybe I am just famous.. and.. you're too close"

Soraru chuckled again at Mafu's sentence. Mafu doesn't even bother to say anything anymore and quickly eat his breakfast, forgetting the existence of Soraru in the room. After his breakfast finish, Mafu and Soraru sat in silence.

"So? Are you upset that Lon leave you?" Mafu ask

"No, I'm grateful, I only think of Lon as a sister though I do miss her, haven't seen her for years" Soraru reply nonchalantly.

Mafu notice that Soraru doesn't seem to be as animatic as yesterday's ball but he decide not to ask the man about it. "So why are you here?"

"Is it wrong to visit you early in the morning?" Soraru raise one of his eyebrow to question Mafu's previous question. Mafu sigh in response, "Well it's not wrong at all I guess? Anyway I am a bit confuse on what's happening as you all seem to take this problem easily."

"Being calm doesn't mean that I'm not panicking inside Mafu, this is the first rebel action I've done in my whole entire life." Soraru snort at Mafu's ridiculous sentence.

Unfortunately Mafu doesn't buy Soraru's statement, "You are obviously exaggerating Soraru-san, you've at least done some rebel action before this.".

"L o l no."

"I'm really surprise that Soraru-sama is actually a really good boy." Mafu faked surprise.

"Hey are you joking right now because obviously everyone know that I am a good person." The Prince laugh.

Joining the older man, Mafu laugh. It surprised Mafu on how he can casually talk to the prince, seems like Mafu exaggerate his panic after all. After the laugh calm down Mafu ask, "What are we gonna do today?"

"Hmm well nothing on the schedule and it doesn't seem you have any study to attend, maybe because I'm visiting." Soraru shrug, "Maybe we can have a tour of the palace?"

"Pardon me but I don't really know this palace?" Mafu seems baffled at Soraru's request.

"Of course I'm not asking you to be the guide silly." Soraru suddenly have the urge to pat Mafu... So he did it. Mafu flinch a bit from the sudden contact and tilt his head in confusion, "So you'll be the guide?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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