Gladly (2)

601 30 35

Oh now what?

Such an interesting scene was happening right in front of Mafu's eyes and he just can't help but to be excited since this kind of moment only happen in a tale....

He did feel bad for Lon-sama...He really did but what else can he do? Trying to hide her would be useless due to the royal guard being so sensitive about every single breath you take

Now he understands why Lon gave up quickly, he glance at the Princess who frown, "hey-


Before the albino could utter what's in his mind, he was shocked by the brunette's loud voice that makes the knock on the door be louder,"Hey answer me!"

Amatsuki sweat drop while he quickly explain his idea to the teens in front of him

Oh such a lovely idea you got there Ama-chan...

Being sarcastic in his own mind Mafu follow the instructions that Amatsuki ask him to do, Lon seems very grateful to both of the lad

"Taadaaaa~ Special make over for Mafu-kun!!"

"Aww that's cute!"

In a blushing mess the albino look up to the mirror and see himself as a girl wearing an expensive looking dress while his hair was coloured blonde... oh is he not a she

"Mafu really look cute on such dress! Perfect girl I've ever seen!" Amatsuki's thumb up toward the albino

Well the idea now is obviously for Mafu to pretend to Lon...

"Hey... Ama-chan, when will this stop??" Mafu pout, "We'll find a way to contact you and all but now go away!" Amatsuki push him to the door

"Ehhhhh now??!!!" Mafu questioned

"Yesssss now!! The guard is waiting! For like 20 minutes! I'm surprised they are patient!"


"Um it's ok if you don't want to Mafu-san..." Lon sigh at the scene, "Eh?! No no it's ok Lon-sama! I'll help you dob't worry!"


"It's ok! Love can't be forced you know!" Mafu wink as Lon blush a little watching as Mafu open the door



As the door open it's show tons of army waiting, gulp is there a reason to regret a decision now? I doubt it, Mafu can't turn back against this and need to face it... though it's not even his fault to be in this mess

"Oh dear princess Lon! We've been searching for you everywhere, please come with us to the castle.."

Mafu just reply a 'yes' and a 'sorry' so that the guard doesn't notice the change of his voice. Mafu has a pretty feminine voice and Lon's is a bit tomboyish, so pretty much their voice match a bit but if you heard it clearly you can notice the differences.

Another thing that Mafu is surprised is that the guard doesn't notice the blonde wig

Do you even wonder on how Amatsuki get such wig in a second? Well the answer is cross dressing, Mafu did it for such a dare. He cross dress as a really pretty girl, and I swear that Amatsuki almost fall for him.

Ok now the obvious part is that Mafu and Lon's face is not the same and Mafu is taller, oh how the guard never learn differences, that is indeed a good thing none less.

"Lon-sama here comes the carriage, oh how the queen and king been worried for you, please don't ever do this again.." the guard lecture Mafu or I guess Lon, Mafu glance at the guard outfit and noticed his badge was written 'Kain'

'Kain huh? It seems that I ever heard that name.... But who?' is what Mafu's immediate thought at the handsome guard, Mafu really can't deny that Kain is indeed more handsome than he is.

Before he know it, a carriage was in front of him, "Here Lon-sama," Kain offer a helping hand toward Mafu as he step in inside the beautiful carriage. Mafu could freak out anytime as he might went to jail for the illegal act he is doing, but he could maintain a poker face so... it's fine?

While riding in the carriage he could see the town, and he need to bid 'goodbye' on a normal life, now what is that rascal brunette doing?


Now with Amatsuki, he seems to be in an awkward situation with Lon as the silence continue.

"I'm really sorry to bother you both, to be honest now I don't know what to do.." Lon sigh

"Don't worry you should just find the one you love for now, I'll find a way.." Amatsuki thought, leaving Lon in a silence mess once more

The blonde princess seems restless as she stand up and look around the house, she saw some photo and a photo of an albino boy, Mafu when he's a child is really cute.

Beside that photo is another photo that has Mafu in it along with some of his friend, which she notice Amatsuki is in it and 3 other person she doesn't know , "how cute.." Lon muttered,

Then she noticed a boy with dark blue hair, he seems familiar but Lon shrug it off and went to look around some more.

What will she do now?


Ok now that it's done I really don't know who the king and queen should be smh, ppl pls give me idea

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