Chapter 4: Unofficial First Date pt. 2

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I wonder what she meant about her wolf being unique? Possibly a distortion? No, she's too perfect for that.  Well, I was certainly about to find out. I stepped out from behind the shelter of the trees just as she did. Her wolf was a beautiful sleek black shade with a white spot of the corner of her left ear. I watched as she took in my pure white coat of fur. Perfect, absolutely perfect, Lucas howled internally.

I took a few steps closer to her before letting Lucas completely take over like I knew he wanted to. She nudged my head with hers before taking off. She clearly wanted to play, I chuckled, which sounded quite odd seeing as I was a wolf. Lucas chased after her like a young pup and she howled in happiness. Baby girl was glowing with life and it was the first real glimpse of who she was that I got to see. Every time I saw her, she always seemed to encaged within herself.

'I'm going to get you!' I heard Lucas call out to her wolf, which I just learned was named Marie, a fact I clearly should have known because I knew her name. Talk about mental facepalm. When we are in wolf form, our wolves have a mental link, meaning we can talk to each other through our minds. Not all wolves can do that, just mates and your pack mates. For mates, after the final phase of the mating bond, the actual mating, *wink wink*, you earn the mental link in human form too because after that, themate bond will be at its strongest.

'In your dreams.' Marie answered with a giggle. It was like watching two other people having a conversation without being able to butt in. I couldn't speak again until I took back control from Lucas but then that would mean that I wouldn't be able to talk to her at alll.

'Maybe you will be there.' Lucas said rather cheekily causing Marie to giggle back in response. It wasn't like watching others flirt, this was actually cute to watch. The way they spoke to each other was full of love and adoration rather than just lust and physical attraction.


Marie was having the time of her life, you could just see it. It was like watching the face of a child after giving them the toy that they had been yearning for ever since they had learned what it was. I was actually having a great time too. I wasn't sure if I, as in my human side, would actually enjoy this time considering I wasn't used to all of the joys that everyone always seemed to live for. After chasing after one another for who knows how long, time being lost at this point, both of our wolves were exhausted. We made our way back, side by side occasionally brushing against eachother, to the original location. We gave eachother knowing looks before rushing off to behing the trees where we had originally shifted.  


I laid down on the surprisingly soft ground, seriously you would not expect grass to feel that nice, and Cameron did the same right beside me.

"Well that was fun." I said with a smile as I looked over at him. Watching our wolves flirt and prance around was like watching a movie, a very good one at that.

"Agreed. I really like how our wolves are unique." He said, referring to our fur colors. Black fur was more probable to have than white, but both were less than normal. I loved how the pure white color of his fur contradicted the black shade of my own. I nodded in agreement, letting us fall into a comfortable silence.

"Can we go get something to eat?" I asked as my stomach whined silently, thankfully, for food.

"Sure. I know the perfect place to go to." He said as he jumped up, pulling me with him yet again. My body felt incredibly tired from the running around, my body was not used to that type of excersice due to the fact that I wasn't required to train like all the others. I smirked getting a new idea from Marie. When he noticed that I wasn't walking along beside him, he spun to face me with a questioning gaze. I lifted my arms up like a child while he just stared at me like I was crazy.

"Carry me?" I gave him my puppy dog face and he huffed.

"Seriously?" He asked. I nodded innocently at him, keeping up with the pouty face. He sighed dramatically before walking over to me and kneeling down in front of me. I jumped up onto his back and wrapped my arms and legs around him securely. He gripped onto my thighs with another exxagerated huff as I snuggled into his neck, I then closed my eyes and let myself relax completely into him.

"Wake up baby girl." I heard a familiar, comforting voice whisper in my ear. My shoulder was slightly shaken before I opened my eyes to see Cameron. "You fell asleep and I had to wake you up in order to leave." I just nodded sleepily and rubbed my eyes. I realized that I had been in his arms rather than on his back, don't even ask how he managed that one. I doubt others could manage to switch a sleeping body from their back to their arms without even jostling them. He sat me on his bike and then climbed on, kicking the engine to life. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist. I didn't pay attention to the landscape around us as we headed back into town, I instead focused myself on the warmth of his body.

After a while, we stopped in front of a small diner that I had never before noticed. The waitress was an older woman and apparently seemed to know Cameron quite well, seeing as they had a friendly conversation about his brother. I got to know him quite well as we ate, learning about his best friend and his brother and about how I would be meeting them very soon. I didn't question him about his parents because I had a feeling that he didn't really want to talk about them and some things are always left better unsaid. Thankfully he was the same way about my family life and he didn't push on the topic when it came up.

Even if I wasn't in love with him quite yet, I was certainly on the way to feeling more than just a slight attraction.


Hope you all are doing well when you read this and that your day has been lovely <3


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