Chapter 3: Unofficial First Date pt. 1

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I let him drag me out of the school, not even bothering to sign out or anything. He didn't seem to care that we were breaking rules while I was freaking out inside. I kept a slight smile on my face though because honestly I was okay with skipping if it was with him, wow how cheesy is that? Cameron tugged me until we were in front of a sleek black motorcycle. Wow, he really just had to have a motorcycle to complete his 'bad boy' look didn't he?

I had never ridden a motorcycle before but I really wasn't scared to either. The thought kinda excited me actually, it was a dangerous vehicle and the thought of that just gave me an adrenaline rush. Plus I knew for sure that if I was on it with Cameron he wouldn't let anything happen to me, mate bond, you know. Injuring me would injure him so he wouldn't be stupid enough to do that.

"Are you scared?" He asked me cautiously, obviously worried that I would be.

"A little nervous, but no not scared." I answered honestly. He nodded and handed me a helmet, as he did I realized that he only had one. I raised an eyebrow. "What about you?" I asked, shaking the helmet slightly to indicate what I was talking about.

"I don't need one, I never actually wear one. I just keep it on here for the sake of it, I guess." He shrugged and I nodded, it probably had something to do with his image. He got on easily as I put the helmet on. After I got it buckled I attempted to climb on too.

Key word: attempted. Cameron openly laughed at my failure and pulled me up onto the beast with bright red cheeks. Being incredibly short is a blessing and a curse. I mean, I can get through crowds easily enough but I absolutely despise high shelves and tall vehicles. I wound my arms around his waist, like I had seen others do, sending tingles all over my arms.

Not in a bad way of course, it was a pleasant sensation not the pins and needles that makes you want to cut that limb off. He kicked the beast to life, making me tighten my grip on him. I could hear a the rumble of his chuckle through where our bodies touched.

We started speeding off, I was certainly glad that I had somewhat agreed to this. Meaning he didn't actually give me the chance to say yes but I didn't object either. I was grinning as he sped up slightly, I could tell that he knew that I was enjoying myself. Maria was humming with delight at the fact that he was incredibly close. I sighed in content and leaned impossibly closer resulting in him relaxing back into me.

I could get used to this. Marie said. I smiled, hopefully we would get used to this. We got farther and farther away from town and into a more rural area. The spaces between the houses got longer and the roads got newer, indicating that they were rarely used. I was slightly worried about where he was taking me but then again I wasn't because I knew that I would be safe with him. Cameron stopped the beast right at the gates of what appeared to be a state park.

He spoke with the person standing there before the gates swung open and we were off once again but this time only for a few minutes. After stopping and unhooking the helmet, he led me down a beaten dirt path heading towards the center of the woods. We were silent but it was a comfortable silence not one of those extremely awkward ones. We came across an opening that had a small stream and waterfall. To sum it up, it was beautiful.

"Wow." I said in awe as I spun around like a child, taking it all in. Cameron chuckled.

"I come here whenever I need to clear my head or just be alone, of course it's not really a secret because it's in a state park but I just grew up coming here." He said as he sat down on the ground and patted the place next to him. Wow, who would ever guess that the bad boy had a special place? I sat down rather closely to him due to the fact that Maria wanted to be close to him and wouldn't shut up unless I pleased her. Yet there was my human side that wasn't regretting the lack of space.

"I have a place like this, maybe I should show you sometime." I said honestly, my place wasn't as grand as his but it worked all the same.

"Yeah. So tell me something about yourself." He looked over at me has he spoke, his almost black-brown eyes shining from the sun.

"How about I tell you five things about me and then you tell me five things about you?" I suggested and he just nodded in agreement. "Well I don't really know actually."

"Just five random things." He prompted me with a eager tone. I thought for a few moments, contemplating the right and wrong things to say.

1. My full name is Elizabeth Marie Dean.
2. My birthday is January 21.
3. I'm afraid of a lot of random things that in sure you'll find out about eventually.
4. I love to sing even though I suck at it, but I mean who doesn't love that, and
5. I have what everyone calls a unique wolf." I said, unsure of what to say.

"1. My full name is Cameron Lucas Reese.
2. My birthday is May 19.
3. I love playing guitar.
4. I actually draw, quite a lot really. I just don't normally show my work off.
5. Everyone says my wolf is unique too." Cameron looked at me with a slight smile when he finished.

"Can I see?" I asked him referring to his wolf.

"You show me your I'll show you mine." He said suggestively with a wink and I blushed at his dirty words.

"Uh... not that way and you know it, but sure." I said, my cheeks still burning a bright red. He jumped up and yanked me, surprisingly gently, up with him.

"No peeking." I mumbled as we went off behind trees to shift.

"No promises." He called out just had I started stripping, making me hide more completely behind the tree. You see, when you shift and explode into a giant wolf your clothes get ripped apart, they don't just magically disappear. Ready? Marie asked me as she prepared our body to shift. I completely relaxed myself as she took over.

Hope you enjoyed, let me know that you think. :)

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