Chapter 7: Hard To Overcome

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I stared up at my faded white ceiling, contemplating whether I should get up for food or not. It was late, or early I suppose, around one in the morning. My stomach let out a low grumble, reminding me of a cat on the prowl. I sighed deeply, not feeling the energy to actually move. I rolled over and closed my eyes in hopes of falling back to sleep.

It didn't work, another grumble broke that idea into pieces. I got up, mumbling curses under my breath. It was a moment in which food was something that was so much work yet it was so promising of relief.

I stomped my way down the staircase, knowing that my mother wasn't home so I didn't have to try to be silent. She was off on another "business trip" aka a few nights partying it up with her so called friends. I swung open the cabinet and pulled out some cookies.

I didn't bother taking out a glass for the milk, since I was the only one that drank it. I set the gallon right beside me and the cookies on my lap as I sat on the counter. My feet were hanging off of the edge and swinging slightly. I shoved the sweet chocolate chip cookies in my face whole, not bothering to take my time.

You are lucky no one is here to witness this, Marie snickered. I mentally rolled my eyes. She always had a comment about my "ladylike" actions.

"If someone were to have a problem with the way I eat, then I really don't care." I answered her aloud before blocking off her next sarcastic response.

That was the bad thing about being half wolf, you could answer your wolf out loud in front of humans and they would immediately question your sanity. Your inner wolf could either be your worst enemy or your best friend. I had heard stories of the few unlucky ones who didn't get along with their wolf, they were also the few that actually ended up dying because their wolf killed them.

I didn't know how that was even possible though, and I really had no desire to find out. I luckily got along with Marie just fine, even though I was jealous of her honesty and confidence. I put the gallon of milk back and looked down at the now empty box of cookies with a frown before shrugging. Climbing the stairs back to my room, I gracefully tripped and fell on my face with a thundering boom.

"Ugh!" I growled out as I pulled myself up off of the floor. Making my way back to bed, I stopped in front of my mother's room, wishing she would start acting as she used to. I forced the depressing thoughts out of my head and returned to my room. I flung myself onto my bed and curled up into the once again cold sheets, allowing sleep to finally take over once again.


"Daddy?" I whispered, looking down at his bed. We were in the hospital, mom was outside trying to hold herself together. I glanced at his heartbeat, taking note of how slow it was getting. I bit my lip to hold in my tears. "Mom!" I called her in, knowing she would want to be with him.

She was teary eyed and red faced. I could see her heart breaking, I could feel our family breaking as that final beep sounded. I watched Daddy's face as he released his final breath. Mom fell to her knees and screamed at the loss of her mate. I was frozen. I could not cry, I could not breathe, I could not force myself to move.

He was gone. My Daddy was gone.


The next morning


"Wake up!" Hunter screamed into my ear a second time although I had very clearly heard him the first time. I swung my hand out blindly before hearing a rather loud thud and a muffled 'ow'. I opened my eyes and turned my head slightly to see him on the ground, face first. I smirked before climbing out of bed. I was surprisingly wide awake and ready to face the day, unlike every other day of my existence.

"Get out." I stated pointing at my door. Hunter pouted like a child, obviously wanting an apology for his now bruised forehead. He then crossed his arms and stomped his foot. I couldn't resist laughing loudly at his stupidity. I shoved him out the door, resulting in him stubbing his toe on the door frame.

I laughed even louder as he began whining as he hopped down the hallway. He was overreacting by far, wolves healed faster than humans and within ten minutes he would be completely fine, he just enjoyed any actions that could give him attention.

After showering and preparing myself mentally and physically for school, I went downstairs the great the rest of the pack. The popular girls were already there, gossiping amongst themselves. Sadly, they were the only ones there and no one I truly enjoyed the company of was in sight.

They stopped their chatting and turned their gazes to eye rape me. Lucas growled, not enjoying the attention of anyone other than our mate. While I found the only red headed one in the group to be attractive, he was thoroughly disgusted.

Don't you dare listen to your human self, Lucas strictly commanded. My teenage hormones were fully aware of my needs though and they clouded his demand out. I found myself checking her out, watching her every move. I didn't know her name and I didn't even recognize her. My feet brought me closer to her until we were nearly face to face. NO! Lucas took over and forced me away from the girl.

Elizabeth flashed into my mind. The mate bond suddenly erased the thoughts I had been having of the red head. I shook my head to clear my thoughts as Lucas slowly let me gain control of myself again.

You will not hurt her. You will not be with another. He said, clearly mad at me, of course I didn't blame him.

I don't know what happened, it was like it wasn't me... I mentally answered him.

Your human ways are a habit, a habit you must force yourself to overcome. It won't be easy but it must be done.

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