Chapter 12: Warehouse

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Don't you hate those moments of sudden realization. The ones that hit you when you least expect them, and then they send you into the dark abyss of your own mind.

She was no where to be found. Hunter and Derek were doing everything they could do with the pack to get her back. So many search parties, so much effort that I wasn't allowed to take part in. The pain of being without your mate after meeting them, was literally enough to disable someone.

Legend says that us werewolves are made for only one. The one that our blood chooses is the one we must have. After we meet our chosen one, it is impossible for us to be apart, unless a complete rejection is initiated.

I loved the fact that I will always be able to have her just to myself. Yet I hated the fact that I couldn't go and rescue my princess. There was a part of me that just wished that things could go back to the way they were without her, but it was painful to even imagine. We are not the reason for her being gone. Lukas growled, not wanting to even think about that option.

"Alpha?" A small, shaky voice called from the doorway. I looked up to see a short guy. He looked terrified, as if saying the wrong thing would result in his death. I hadn't seen him before, like ever.

"What is it?" I questioned, completely curious. My voice sounded raspy, but it still held enough power to make him shrink back.

"Elizabeth. I know her. She's my best friend." That immediately caught my attention.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Zach." He paused.

"Why are you here?"

"I think I might know why she's not here." He began looking more and more fearful as he watched me tense up. "There was a man..."

"Keep talking."

"The man was watching her I think. At school, I would sometimes look out the window and he would be there, just staring at her. I don't know who he is but there was this one time that I actually went up to him and talked to him. After we spoke, I pretended to walk away but I actually hid in the trees. He made a call and said something about 'getting the warehouse prepared for company.' " his words were rushed. I just nodded as I let the information sink in. There was only one warehouse in town. I sat up, no longer feeling weak, adrenaline pulsing through my veins.

Find her.

It was as if there was a newer connection with my mate that was giving me the strength to go and get her. I mind linked every warrior and told them to get an attack method ready. One hour. That's all you have. Be ready, be willing to lay down your life. Meet me outside, no questions. My orders were strict and they didn't give too much insight on the situation.

My pack had always worked better when they had a clear mind, when they were fully focused on the attack and not the reasoning behind it.


The warehouse was big, and surrounded by guards. Just as I expected. I could smell her, the perfect scent that made both Lucas and I crazy. I sent a few warriors to take care of the guards while Hunter and I scoped out the area. Derek had stayed to look over the rest of the pack that was left in the house, with my father.

"The window." Hunter whispered pointing to a window only a few feet above me. "Go through the window and I'll head back to the group and take lead of them." I nodded and let him boost me up. The window was open, without even a screen, so I didn't have any troubles pulling myself up.

Grabbing my switchblade knife out of my boot, I glanced warily around the room. The door was open and a slight draft was being sucked in.

We are in.

I took a deep breath, drawing strength from my mate's scent. She was close. I made it to the door and checked for any security, there was none. The hallway was dimly lit, with a few doors on each side. Where was everyone? I felt a sudden stabbing in my shoulder, like a needle, before complete darkness.


I could smell him. He was actually here. What if he came just to join in on the torture that I had been receiving for the past hour? What if he came to ask me to complete the rejection?

I cringed as the whip hit my shoulder once again. Maybe I deserved this for not being good enough for him.

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