Chapter 4

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So real quick I want to say that I love all of you guys for reading and voting.  I really love that you guys are voting and even just reading this. Thank you all!

K I'm done now


I woke up in a different place than the couch. I was snuggled on top of blankets, and those blankets were on top of a bed. Then I realised someone was staring at me. And goddamnit, it's the butler, staring right at me with a gazing that just screams 'creepy'. What is wrong with this guy? I thought. I transformed with an angry look on my face.

"What the hell!" I yelled.

"I told you I wouldn't mind sleeping with a warm kitten."

"Yes, and before that, you said you don't need to sleep, you creep!"

"Well, that's beside the point."

I sighed and tried to get up, but Sebastian grabbed me.

"What the hell!? Let me go!"


He pulled me to his chest and held me there. I thrashed around trying to get away from the crushing hug, but I couldn't. I heard soft shuffling outside the door. I also saw a trickle of blood splash under the door. I heard an almost inaudible: "Oh my!".

"Come help me!"

I heard the footsteps of whoever was out there running away. traitor, I thought. I stopped struggling and slumped in Sebastian's lap. This sucks. He loosened his grasp on me, thinking probably something like 'oh she's not struggling anymore, I don't need to hold her.' He ran his fingers through my hair. I lifted my arms and stretched. As I brought them down I bent my arm and hit him in the stomach. I scrambled to get off the bed as fast as possible. I ran out the door, down the hallway, and straight out the front door.

I had run at least half a mile before I remembered that I was one, wearing just a nightgown, two I sorta work for Lord Phantomhive so I can't just run off, and three that stupid man in black is probably coming after me.

At least the first thing I could fix, I could just become a cat again. I really can't do anything about the rest, and that sorta sucks. I switched to cat form and sat down on the side of the road under a tree to wait for the inevitable.

After only twenty minutes or so I saw Sebastian walking down the road. I yawned and waited for him to notice me. He looked over at me and came over to pick me up. I let him because I was tired of this shit.(much cursing in this chapter, huh?) As Sebastian carried me back to the beach house I thought to myself I feel weird, like an ache in my chest. I think I've felt this before, but that didn't end well. I think I'm in love again, or he could just be crushing me.

We got back to the beach house and went inside. Sebastian put me down on a couch by Ciel. I could tell the Ciel is allergic to cats because he started sniffling, so I went back to my human form. I was still wearing my nightgown and I felt a little uncomfortable.

"Master, Sebastian has been making me feel very uncomfortable," I tattled like a child. "He's being weird."

"No, I am not."

"You are too!" I crossed my arms stuck my tongue out (yes Reader-chan is acting like a child).

"Be quiet, both of you. (Y/N) are you doing anything to provoke Sebastian?" Ciel said and held his hands up.

"No." I pouted

"And Sebastian what are you doing?"

"Nothing. I have chores to attend to." He tried to walk out of the room, but Ciel said.

"No, you have a conversation to attend to. With (Y/N)."

Ciel got up and left the room leaving Sebastian and me alone together. He came and sat stiffly down on the couch beside me.

"So," I said slowly.

"So? What's wrong?" He pressed.

"I feel weird, I've felt this before and it really ended badly."

"Is it there?" He poked me in the middle of my chest.

"Hey!" I crossed my arms over my chest to stop him. "But yeah, it is." I dropped my head. "I feel like there's something missing, and I feel that empty place right here." I pressed my finger down on my heart.


We sat silently for a few minutes before Sebastian leant closer to me.



He pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back gently. We pulled away from each other when we heard a door opening and someone walking in.

"We didn't know you were in here, oh no we didn't!" Mey-Rin squeaked, A dusting of red on her cheeks. She was standing in the doorway with Finny and Bard behind her, they were all in their swimming clothes.

"We're going swimming again!" Finny said happily.

"I wanna going swimming!" You shouted

"I guess I'll join in," said Sebastian "it was too bad that our moment was ruined (Y/N)." He smirked.

The others were already splashing around when Sebastian and I walked down the beach to join the fun.

"It was really a shame about earlier, but maybe we could continue later," Sebastian whispered in my ear (sorry dudes, no lemon, not right now at least~~). My face went red and I nodded slowly.

We messed around with the others for a while. I wondered where Ciel was but pushed the thought out of my mind.

After two hours we all went inside. I changed and went to find Ciel. I looked around the house. I found him in the small library fast asleep in an armchair. He was holding a book of nursery rhymes.

"Well aren't you adorable, Young Master," I whispered

I gently lifted him and carried him to his room.

I set him under the bed covers tucked him in like the child he was. One of his arms was out of the covers and when I started to leave he reached out to me.

"M-mother please don't leave me!" I turned and saw his arms reaching out for me - he thought I was his mother. I pulled a chair over and sat by the bedside. I saw a book on the side table, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I began to read, "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank,"

I read a few chapters and ended up falling asleep, thinking about what Sebastian would have had planned for tonight if I hadn't stayed here with Ciel.

(probably taking you into the secret sex dungeon, sorry not sorry)

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