Chapter 6

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I woke up at my usual early time and got dressed. It was the usual day, dust this, scrub that, polish the rail, and make sure not to use the shoe polish! It was boring until five in the evening. By that time I had been excused from my duties to go dress up for the party.

I walked out of my room at six-thirty with my hair and ears swept up into a dark blue hat with white flowers around the brim (think Ciel's crossdresser hat but with the flowers on the top, not the bottom) and small wisps of hair framing my face. My dress was deep blue, it had short poofy sleeves and seed pearls embroidered on the bodice and speckled along the long skirt in a fade. The whole thing looked like a beautiful inky sky. I was wearing white elbow gloves with small pearls around the top. I was very grateful to Ciel for buying this dress for me.

I walked down the stairs to meet Ciel and Sebastian. Sebastian bowed and led me to the waiting carriage.

An hour later we arrived at the location of the party - a rich 'friend' of CIel's house. Ciel walked in front of Sebastian and me and he was announced at the top of a set of stairs leading into a great ballroom.

~~Time Skip of im-to-lazy/tired-to-write-all-the-dancing~~

Sebastian left me at the edge of the dance floor and went to grab some refreshment. Sebastian was gone for longer than it should have taken to get some drinks, so I decided to go looking for him. I held up my skirt so not to trip on it and edged around the dance floor looking for him in the large mass people dancing.

The dance ended and I darted through the crowd. I got about halfway across the room when my hat was caught on a tall woman's shoulder and fell off, uncovering my ears. I rushed my hands up to cover them, but it was too late. I women I bumped into was staring at me with a hand over her mouth and her eye wide as saucers.

"What are you?!" she half-screamed making everyone look over. My dress poofed out around me as I sunk down to my knees trying to disappear.

Some man grabbed my arm and dragged me up. I slid on the floor as he dragged me to the stairs, the people parted and stared at me. All I was thinking about was how bad my injuries would be this time. oompf, oompf, oompf. The sounds of my body bouncing on the steps pounded in my ears.

He kept dragging me until we got to the big doors and through me out. My body hit the cobbled driveway and I lay there whimpering.

The man yelled out "Stay out, monster!" then he kicked me a few times for good measure.

Yet another person who thinks I am freak of nature, except it's not just one more person, this time it's the entire guest list of that party that knows now. I changed my form and slunk off into the trees limping in pain from the kicks.

I found a nice tree to hide in with roots that were raised up from the ground in sort of cave.

I curled up and felt something around my neck. I rubbed it with my back paw and succeeded in pulling the fabric off. It was a swatch of dark fabric with light spots. It looked just like a part of my skirt. I guessed that it was part of my dress and that it would become my dress when I change back.

This has never happened to me before. I guess that I'm becoming more 'domesticated' since I'm actually living in a house. So now when I change I have a collar of the clothes I was wearing.

Now I guess that if my 'collar' comes off when I become human I won't be wearing clothes. God, I hope I will be wearing clothes still because I know Ciel will send Sebastian to come find me and I don't want to have to change back like that. I pulled the ribbon closer and nuzzled my head on my paws to fall asleep.

I was awoken by a smooth voice gently calling to me from outside my safe nest under the roots. I uncurled and yawned. I stretched and walked out from between the roots. I rubbed my dusty head against Sebastian's leg.

"Why don't you change back now and we may go back to the manor," he said

I shook my small head and darted back into the tree. I picked up the discarded ribbon with my mouth and walked back out. Sebastian did just as I hoped and picked me up. He ran away at an inhuman speed. I was glad he was holding on to me so well or I probably would have fallen.

We got back to the manor in no time and Sebastian put me down on the drive.

"Why don't you go inside (Y/N)," Sebastian said, "I have chores to attend to."

I strolled around to the side of the house and looked for my window. I found it and it was thankfully left open. I jumped up onto the ledge and hopped into my room. I spat the ribbon out and changed back to human form.

As I thought I was completely naked except for my hat and gloves which, for some reason, I still had on. I quickly grabbed my undergarments and maids uniform and put them on. I peeled off my gloves which had sadly become stained with dirt and my hat which now had some leaves stuck in with the flowers. I put on my maid headband that matched Mey-Rin's and went to resume my chores.

I bumped into Sebastian on my way out of my room.

"Where did you go?" I asked him

"I had to attend to the young master. And I apologise for what happened when I left you."

"It's nothing abnormal for me," I mumbled looking at my feet. I realised I forgot to put on shoes, good thing my skirt is long.

"I need to go, I'll talk to you later," I stated and walked past him to find my duster, still limping. Sebastian grabbed my arm, "Why are you limping?"

I pulled away "It's nothing, the guy who grabbed me just kicked me a few times."

"That's not 'nothing' you humans need medical assistance when you're hurt." He snatched up my hand and pulled me away down the hallway.

"You say that like you're not a human," I grumbled. I was suspicious. If I excised why not other non-human things? He could even be a demon! Haha, fat chance. I thought.

Sebastian dragged me into the kitchen, picked me up and plopped me onto the big central table. He messed around in a cabinet then turned around holding a roll of gauze.

"Take off your dress." He said with a bit of, what, excitement?

"No!" I squeaked and backed away.

That was humiliating, I thought. I sunk into my bed around twelve-thirty. I covered my hot face and thought about the events of today. I felt a stinging sensation in my arm. The world went dark. 


Hey guys! sorry for the long wait for a not to good chapter. Hey we got some action though! Some kitty drama. 

So in other news, I'm working on another fanfiction, this one is about Undertaker (bae<3)  

So I would like to know if you nice fans would like me to publish maybe this first chapter or so?


I have another question for you guys, what are you being for Halloween.

I am being a black cat with a sign on my chest that says 'If lost return to Master Michaelis'

  Comment, Vote, follow all that cool stuff.  

This is me Walking out,

Good night!!

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