Chapter : Freak Show

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I wake up again in the cage. No light is coming through the grimy windows, but I can see anyway, a benefit of having cat traits. I hear clunking and someone the cage next to mine groans. I whimper.

I see movement behind the sheet covering that cage, then it's pulled off to reveal a little boy. I can see that he has brown hair. He doesn't wear a shirt and I can see his ribs poking through his ghostly skin. Something shines on his cheek. I inch closer to the bars of my own cage to get a better look. Scales. This little boy has scales covering his body.

"Hello?" I squeak. The boy starts and looks up. His eyes are yellow and his pupils are slits like a snake.

"W-who are you?" He stutters out.

"I'm (Y/N), what's your name?"

"J-johnny. W-where are w-we." I see his teeth are chattering. He must be cold.

"I don't know Johnny," I say "I have a feeling it's not somewhere good, though."

Johnny whimpers and hunches into a ball and cries. The door at the end of the train car opens again. The same man walks in and yells at Johnny.

"Shut your trap, Runt!" Johnny stops making noise, but tears drip down his face still. The man is now wearing a dark purple suit with his hair slicked back. He looks very foolish, like an actor in a play. He walks up to my cage then leans in close.

"You, my dear freak," I hear the disgust dripping from his voice. "are going to make me lots of money." I can feel the hate radiating from him. He hauls himself up and exits the train car.

A few minutes later he returns with two strong looking men. The man gestures for the men to pick up my cage. As they do I whimper.

"W-what are you doing with her?" I hear a small voice ask.

"Don't ask questions." The man snaps.

Another cloth is thrown into the cage, this time it's purple to match the man's suit. Chatter grows louder and louder. An announcer's voice booms out over the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!." the crowd noise cuts off. "Welcome! to the Vinio Circus!"

The crowd screams and cheers so loudly it hurts my ears.

"Now for our first exhibit." The fabric is ripped off my cage and the crowd cheers again. I shrink back and cover my face from the sudden bright light. "Be a good sport now, dearie and uncover your beautiful face." The man from earlier says. He walks around my cage slowly. His fakeness is palpable.

"This is one of our newest members, Katrina!" Once again the crowd cheers.

"My name isn't Katrina." I hiss quietly. The man unlocks the cage and pulls me out.

"Lift your arms and turn, Katrina." The man growls at me. I do so. I squeeze my eyes closed.


After my part the so called show, I am shoved back into the cage and the fabric is thrown back over the cage. Once a few more 'acts', one of which was Johnny I get lifted and taken out of the tent and into a new place.

"Johnny?" I whisper. "Johnny are you here?"

"I'm here (Y/N)."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes," he sniffs "Are you okay?"

"Yes, What happened out there," I whisper.

"He just made me turn around a few times."

"That's good, it was the same for me."

We stopped our whispered conversation. I started to fall asleep.


Sebastian prepared the tea cart (cart of useless shit, check) for Ciel and wondered where (Y/N) has been. He pushed the cart down to Ciel's study. When he entered Ciel started talking. "(Y/N) has been gone for three days without my orders. I would like you to go find her."

"Yes, young master. I'll be back soon." He exited the room leaving Ciel with the tea cart.

(So.... I don't know what Bassy does when demon outs, so I'll just leave it to your imagination.)


I'm still sitting in my cage. I swear it's been weeks since I woke up in the train. I bet it's not really been that long.

Johnny and I have bonded by telling stories about our lives. Johnny is like me and was thrown out of his home by his parents, but sadly he's only seven years old. He reminds me of my little brother.

Poor baby, he's really too young to be on his own like this. We've done two more shows, which are just us coming out of our cages and turning around to show our 'deformities'.

I really hope that I don't have to stay here that long. I truly hope Ciel will send Sebastian to find me, but I don't know if I matter enough in the household for him to go to such lengths to find me.

I hope that he will save everyone else that's here too. I've met a little girl about Johnny's age with floppy dog ears and a bushy tail. She calls herself an Inu, her name is Lacy. When she's out in the show they throw sticks and discs of wood for her to chase. Along those lines sometimes they release mice or rats that I have to chase.

After another show and meagre slop they give and now they yell at us to go to sleep. If they would be quiet I would. When they finally shut up I start to fall asleep.

I heard a small crash, like glass breaking, but decided to ignore it and just, sleep.

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