Chapter 1: Wild Fire.

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"Stop thief!" A guard yelled to Natsu as a piece of bread is in his hands. He had recently stole this from a shop, and is now going to pay the price.

"I'll have your head as a trophy wild fire!" He yelled pulling out his sword.

Wild fire, neat nickname right?

Everyone has heard of him and if you haven't then your missing out.

The guards came closer as Natsu stood on the edge of a roof.

"All this for bread?" He inquired before jumping off the roof.

He slid from clothes line to clothes line which hung the clothes of the villagers, him knocking almost all of them down.

He landed on the floor moments later the bread falling straight into his hands.

"There he is!"

"He won't get away so easy!" The guards yelled from the roof.

"You think that was easy?" He asked, village ladies giggled as he pulled the cloth over him before walking towards them.

"Hello ladies."

"Getting into trouble a little early today aren't we Natsu?" Mirajane who was one of the ladies said as leaned on her window sill.

"Trouble? No way, your only in trouble if you get caught." He smirked before his collar was pulled.

"Gotcha!" The guard yelled.

"I'm in trouble!" Natsu said as the mans face got closer. He looked at the angered man wide eyed.

Before the man could speak his hat was pulled down his face, covering his eyes.

"Perfect timing Happy!"

"Of course!" He said raising his fish in the air.

"Come on let's get outta here." Natsu said as Happy flew on his shoulder.

Happy was anything from ordinary. No one had knew where he came from. People think he's from a whole other world, but Natsu doesn't care that's his best friend!

Natsu looked behind him making sure the guard wasn't following but ended up running into another.

The new guard raised his sword missing Natsu and cutting open a barrel full of fish. Happy had hearts in eyes picking up the fish. As the man swung once again Natsu pulled down his pants before running, making the man trip into the rest of the pile of fish.

As he continued running he ran into guard after guard, all for a measly piece of bread? He ran on top of a structure made from wood as the group of men threw their swords at him before shaking the structure.

As it fell he landed into a nearby window letting out a huge sigh. The girls in the room gasped at the presence of the boy.

"On the run again?" One of the girls asked.

"Gotta steal to live am I right?" He shrugged jumping back out the window.

He hid behind a man to get away from the guards before immediately getting caught. He ran until he was surrounded. Natsu backed up as the guards got closer.

"Let's not get so fired up guys!" He backed up into a door a rather large female opening the door.

"He's such a cutie." She said nuzzling him for a second. Natsu stood there awkwardly, her releasing him seconds later.

He continued to run until he lost them by a manure pile. They hid behind a building before sitting down.

"And now we feast on victory!" Natsu said biting a chunk out of his bread. Happy munched on a fish happily before he saw Natsu looking at something. Following his gaze he saw two children. If he's thinking about giving them his fish he better think again!

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