Chapter 7: Finders keepers

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"Sultan.. He wants me to become sultan." Natsu sighed as he looked over the city.

"Someone must be happy, getting the girl of his dreams, becoming the new sultan."

Natsu ignored the genie walking inside before flopping on a couch.

"This is when you say you'll free me flame brain."

"Genie.. I can't."

"Dude! What happened to our deal!"

"Look I'm sorry, I really am! But they wanna make me sultan! No they wanna make prince Nat sultan! Without you I'm just Natsu." He turned on his side, hoping genie would get the hint to leave him alone.

"But your more!"

"It's because of you!" He looked up into the eyes of the genie. "The only reason anyone thinks I'm worth anything is because of you. What if anyone found out! What if (Y/n) finds out, I'd lose her. Gray I can't keep this up on my own.. I can't wish you free."

"No it's fine, I understand. You lied to everyone else I was beginning to feel left out." Gray muttered walking over to his lamp. "Everyone always screws me over like this." He sighed before disappearing into his lamp, small snow flakes falling in the place he once was.

"Gray.. I'm really sorry." Nastu spoke sadly lifting up the lamp. Snow suddenly shot from the lamp and into his face, Natsu slammed the lamp down putting a pillow over it.

"Fine! Just stay in there then!"

"What are you guys looking at?" Natsu snapped at carpet and Happy who were sitting by the window.

"Natsu.." Happy stated as Natsu turned away. Happy letting out a soft sigh and leaving with carpet.

"Guys I'm sorry! I didn't- come on!" He apologies as Happy and carpet flew away.

What am I doing?

Genie was right, I have to tell her the truth. I can't keep doing this, I can't base this relationship on lies!

"Nat! Can you come here?" Natsu heard (Y/n) call. He sighed before getting up.

Here goes nothing.


"Out in the menagerie hurry!"

"Okay I'm coming!"

He didn't see her when he got there, instead he hear the king make his speech on top of the wall seeing you behind the curtain pacing.

She look so hot in that (f/c) outfit..


"Nat where have you been?" You asked, rushing down these steps to meet him.

"There's something I need to tell you."

"Okay but you have to see this! The whole kingdom turned up for father's annoucment."

"(Y/n)! You have to listen to me please!" But you were pushed out anyway, seeing the entire town of Magnolia cheering.

The clouds turned a purple smoky color, the top of the sultan's hat flying into the air. By magic.

"Father!" You yelled as he was stripped down into his underwear, Sting now present in front of all of you wearing the outfit.

"Sting you vile mongrel!"

"That's sultan vile mongrel to you!" Lector spoke from his shoulder pointing at the old man.

"Oh yeah! We'll just see about that!" Natsu yelled reaching for the lamp. "Oh no!" Natsu spoke, recalling that he left the lamp under the pillow!

"Finders keepers." Sting laughed.

Natsu saw as a gigantic sized Gray lifted up the castle him calling Happy.

"I'm still mad at you!" Happy yelled as Natsu jumped off the building grabbing Happy's tail.

"I'm sorry buddy! But can you get me to Gray?"

Happy flew him up to genie, dodging the debris.

"Genie no!"

"Sorry kid I have a new master now."

Gray put the building on top of the mountain.

"Sting I order you to stop this at once!"

"Sorry but there's a new order in town. My order. Finally you will bow to me!"

"You don't wanna catch these hands Sting." (Y/n)'s father screamed as (Y/n) held him back.

"We won't ever bow down to you!"

"Why am I not surprised!" Lector yelled.

"If you won't bow before a sultan. Then you must cower before a sorcerer! Genie! My second wish is that I want to be the most power sorcerer mage in the world!" Sting demanded.

"Genie stop!" Natsu yelled hopping onto Genies thumb.

"Now where were we? Ah yes." He pointed a finger in your direction making you and your father on your knees a red glow surrounding you.

"Oh princess there's someone I'm dying to introduce you to." He said cupping you face a bit, you looked at him with disgust as Happy flew towards them.

"Get your hands off of her!"

"It's prince Nat, yes it is but not as you know him." Sting sung pointing his other finger into his direction. Natsu flung to the floor as Sting made you rise from the floor.

He brought both of you face to face before taking the red glow off both of you.

"Say hello to your precious prince Nat!"

Natsu's clothes immediately changed into his normal clothes.

"Or should we say Natsu!" Lector said from Sting's shoulder.

This is not the way he wanted her to find out..


"(Y/n) I tried to tell you!" Natsu yelled running up to you holding your hands in his.

Sting then flew Natsu into a tower that was apart of the castle before sending it soaring into the air.


So cringe.

Hope you enjoyed! But this is coming to an end soon :(



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