Chapter 4: Determination

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"WHO DISTURBS MY SLUMBER." A lion made of sand loudly, lighting going off behind him. Natsu was shocked while Happy was scared hiding in Nastu's vest.

"It is I Natsu Dragneel!"


"Remember boy first fetch me the lamp and then you shall have your reward."

"Come on Happy." Natsu whispered, heading inside the mouth of the beast.

"Would you look at that," Natsu said in wonder as he descended the staircase into a room full of golden jewels. "Just a handful of this would make me richer than the sultan."

"Don't touch anything okay? We have to find that lamp!" Natsu yelled before walking over to carpet and down the path.

"Natsu! I think the carpet is following me!" Happy yelled gripping Natsu's pant leg. He could swear that carpet was alive or something.

Natsu picked up the cat placing him on his shoulder before continuing down the path.

"Natsu! Natsu look! The carpet!" Happy pointed making Natsu turn. The carpet strayed away from them as Natsu grew happy.

"Oh wow a magic carpet! My kinda ride!" The carpet immediately grew happy itself, flying in front of Natsu.

"Can you help us find the lamp?"

The carpet started to flying down the hall Natsu running behind it. He was determined to find this lamp.

He's determined to see you again.

"You think you could get me over there?" Natsu asked pointing to the top of the staircase that was over water.

"Aye!" Happy yelled before flying Natsu up to the place.

The lamp was at the top, the moonlight illuminating it perfectly.

"Is this it?" Natsu asked as he held it up. "This is what we came here for?"

"It's kinda small, that old man must be crazed than he looks." Happy replied crossing his arms. He turned around to where the carpet laid seeing a gold statue holding a red ruby.

"Hey Natsu lets take this as a bonus!" Happy said flying over to the red ruby. The carpet sprang up, trying to warn Happy.

"Happy don't touch-"

But yet he was to late.

"YOU TOUCHED THE FORBIDDEN TREASURE YOU MUST NOT LEAVE HERE ALIVE." The lion voice boomed. Natsu and Happy both knew there were in trouble as the statue ands ruby melted and the pedestal the lamp was once on was in flames.

Natsu jumped down the stairs before running. The stairs transformed into a slide, Natsu slightly enjoying himself and yet scared for his life. The ramp had reached it's highest point, Natsu staring the lava straight below him.

Aka Death itself.

As Natsu facing his doom the carpet swooped in saving his life. Natsu gripped on tight to the ends as it weaved through the falling rocks and the walls. While trying not to vomit of course. Natsu flew out of the room, the lava following him.

Natsu saw the exit in sight but the carpet was crushed by a large falling rock. Natsu's jumped, landing on the edge of a rock, the entrance no to far above him.

"Help me up!"

"Throw me the lamp!

"I can't hold on!"

"First give me the lamp!"

He handed the man the lamp and he cheered raising it in the air. Happy helped you up before the old man gripped your wrist and pushed Happy away.

"What are you doing!?!"

"Give you your gift.." The old man pulled something out of his jacket, a dagger. "An eternal gift!"

Natsu moved around violently. If anything he's going to go down swinging.

Happy bit the mans hand, making him drop Natsu.

"Ew! You taste like mud and broken dreams!" Happy spit wiping his tongue before realizing Natsu was falling to his death.

"I'm coming Natsu!"

But yet again Happy was to late.

Natsu was picked up by the flying carpet flying him right past Happy and out of the cave. Happy followed right out of the cave before it collapsed.

"(Y/n)." Your father said as he stood at your doorway. You didn't turn you just looked at (p/n) giving a sad smile as (p/n) gave you a sad look.

"Oh dearest, what's wrong?"

You sniffled before shaking your head. "Sting.. Has done something terrible."

"There there my dear, will set it right. Just tell me everything."

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