Chapter 5: Tonight.

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"Nastu! Nastu wake up!" Happy yelled jumping on Natsu's back. The carpet lifted bringing him to his feet.

"We're trapped.." He said regaining consciousness. "That son of a-"

"Nastu!" Happy yelled hugging the salmon haired boy. He smiled and chuckled.

"Yeah well who ever he was he's gone with the lamp."

"Or is did he?" Happy smiled mischievously. Natsu raised an eyebrow as Happy pulled the white lamp out of his bag.

"You blue haired little thief!" Natsu smirked taking the lamp from his paws.

"It just looks like junk to me." Happy pointed out as Natsu inspected the lamp.

"Wait there's something written here." Natsu said squinting trying to read the word on it.

"Why is the stupid thing so hard to read!"

He rubbed the lamp which made it glow a whitish color, it shaking violently.

Happy and the carpet jumped back behind a rock as soon as something had shot out of the mysterious lamp. Natsu surrounded in colorful icy looking smoke.

"Ten thousand years in that thing sure gave me a crick in my neck."

A tall spiky black colored haired man appeared cracking his neck.

"Sure feels good to be out though." He chuckled stretching a bit.

Happy and the carpet slowly got out from behind the rock as Natsu stood there looking at the boy. He had sliver cuffs around his arms but was slightly covered by his white jacket.

"Whats your name noob or as I'm supposed to call you master."

"I must've hit harder than I thought.."

"Hey carpet." The unknown boy greeted waving to the carpet.

"Wait I'm your master?"

"Yep, I'm your genie for wish fulfillment."

"Wish fulfillment?"

"Three wishes squinty eyes. Oh and no wishing for more wishes, you don't even know how many people try to do that."

Can I wish for (Y/n)?

"So wait you can grant me any free wishes I want?"

"Yeah expect I can't kill anyone, make anyone fall in love.."

Damn it!

"Or bring people back from the dead."

"Talk about some all powerful genie can even bring people back from the dead! I bet this popsicle princess can even get us outta this cave."

"What did you say squinty eyes?"

"You heard me freezer burn."

Gray rolled his eyes before reappearing onto of the carpet.

"Get on pinkie."

"Sting! This is an outrage! If it wasn't for all your years of serve I would have you gone. But from now on you must discuss beheadings with me!"

"Understood your highness."

"Okay good, (Y/n) we can now put this whole messy business behind us. Your father stated as he grabbed your hand. You rolled your eyes,

There's no way in hell I'm forgiving that jerk!

"My most humblest apologizes to you to princess." The blonde said as he held my hand.

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