Chapter 8: Fight me!

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Last chapter! 

"Happy!" Natsu called shivering from the cold winter they were trapped in.

He looked behind him seeing a pile of snow, the blue cat trembling in the middle of it.

"This is all my fault!" Natsu sighed as he dug out his best friend.

"Happy, you okay?" He asked as he put the blue cat in his vest, so he could warm up. "I made a mess of everything, I have to go back and set things right."

Natsu trudged through the snow before seeing carpet stuck under the building.

"Happy start digging!" He yelled using his cold fingers to dig out the carpet, Happy sooner joined him before the building started to roll down. Natsu and Happy started running before Happy wrapped his tail around him lifting above and over the cylinder tower. The tower rolled off the cliff making the carpet and Happy fly back to Magnolia.

Happy dashed through and around the building before seeing the castle on top of the mountain. Happy determinedly raced towards it, wanting Natsu to finally be happy again.

For him to have the girl of his dreams again.

He stopped at a window inside the castle seeing Sting yell at Gray and (Y/n) look at both of them. Hopefulness and happiness fill her eyes as Natsu put a hand to his lips, her nodding in response.

"Sting." You said seductively standing from the floor, putting the crown on your head. "I've never realized how incredibly nice and handsome you are."

Sting and the genie both looked at her shocked, Gray's jaw practically to the floor.

"That's better." Sting smiled as he closed the genies mouth. "Now tell me more about myself."

"Your tall, well dressed, kind," The list went on and on as you fed his ego.

Natsu jumped to the ground along with careful not to make any noise before the genie spotted him.

"Natsu I can't help you I belong to that mean mug over there, what are you gonna do?" Gray asked as he smirked.

"I'm a wild fire I'll improvise."

Natsu drew closer to the two of you as you continued to say whatever came to your head.

"And your hair is so.. sexy." You said wrapping your hands around his shoulder twisting his blonde hair. "And you've stolen my heart."

"And the wild fire?"

"What wild fire?"

Just then a crash came from behind you and Sting making you press you lips against his to keep him from seeing Natsu.

Looking at you both Natsu had sad and yet disgusted face at the fact you would even kiss him. Even Happy and Lector said ew!

"That was-" Sting stopped himself as he looked into the crown on your head.

"You!" He yelled turning around shooting Natsu, making him land in a pile of gold coins.

"Don't touch him!" You yelled as you started to swing at Sting.

He pushed you down making Natsu dash over to him pouching him in the face.

"Get the lamp!"

Sting unfazed by the attack yelled to you, "No! Your time is up princess!"

Just as you were about to touch the lamp you were incased in a hourglass, watching as Natsu attacked him once again.

"(Y/n).." Natsu said as he watched sand start to pour from the top of the hourglass, you trying to find a way out.

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