Chapter 2: Trapped

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When you had your first week of school and forgot about everything else cause your constantly tired.

Oh well enjoy anyway.

"Okay Happy, go!" Natsu whispered. Both him and Happy where on a rooftop of a stand Happy soon reached for a watermelon as the clerks head was turned. He hung from his tail sticking out his tongue as the clerk spotted him.

"Get out of here!" He shooed before trying to get the watermelon of his grasp. Natsu then ducked down himself grabbing another watermelon from the top of the pile. The clerk yanked the melon from the cat before spotting he had a missing one. Happy swung back to the roof before sitting in front of Natsu.

"Great thinking Happy! Breakfast is served." He broke the watermelon giving Happy the smaller half as he ate the bigger half.

You were walking down the street, vendors offering you pots, food, necklaces. Everything you could think of. One man had put a fish in your face you jumping back startled. In the process you bumped into another man.

"Excuse me." You told him before he burped fire.

"I am so sorry!" You yelled as you took a step away from his burp flames.

"Wow." Natsu said as he gazed upon you. You put your hood back on before continuing down the path. But the entire time he couldn't take his eyes off you.

"Hello! Earth to Natsu!" Happy yelled as he laid on his elbow staring at you.

Of course there were other ladies you where beautiful but no one could compare to you. Not in his eyes.

"Aww you must be hungry." You said as a little boy was staring at an apple. He looked up at you smiling. No one could turn down such a cute face!

"Here you go." You told the boy taking the apple off the stand.

"You better be able to pay for that."

"Pay? Oh uh-"

"No one steals from my cart!" The clerk yelled grabbing your wrist.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't have any money-"


"If you let me go to the palace I can get some from the sultan-"

Natsu gasped as backed away from the man.

Palace? Sultan?

"Do you know what the penalty is for stealing!" The man yelled as he raised his sword putting you hand on the table.

"No! Please!" You yelled trying to yank your wrist from his tight grasp. He hand came down but was immediately stopped.

"Thank you kind sir for finding her!" The boy unknown to you turned you around heading in the opposite direction.

"What are you doing?" You whispered as he hands were lightly placed on your back guiding you away from the man.

"Just play along." He whispered back.

"You know this girl?" The clerk asked curiously placing a hand on Natsu's shoulder, preventing him from walking any further.

"Sadly yes. She's my sister. She's a little crazy though." He whisper the last part to the man, making you gasp in offense.

"She said she knew the sultan." The clerk raised him by his vest, making Natsu laugh.

"She thinks the cat is the sultan." He argued pointing to Happy who almost got away with digging in a women's purse.

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