Chapter 6: It's him..

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This pic is old but every time I see 101 I think of the interlude lol.

Anyway, I was re read this over and it's so cringe ahh I might just fix up the chapters when this book is finished but for now enjoy~

"This boy is no different from the others," Hearing Sting's voice as you walked through the door made you roll your eyes, but who he was talking to made you widen them. "What makes him think he is worthy of the princess."

"Well your majesty I'm prince Nat from Malba Just let me met her and I'll win her heart."

"How dare you, all of you! Standing around deciding my future! I am not a prize to be won!" You yelled storming back out. The nerve of them!

You went back up to your room, looking up at the stars as you rested on your balcony. That was your favorite thing to do was to watch the stars, they were always the prettiest thing. You just felt bad for all the light pollution you hear about from other towns.

"I wish I could see him again.." You sighed before going back into your room.

"Princess (Y/n)?"

You turned around as you heard (p/n) growl.

"Who's there?" You asked as you walked backwards, heading towards where your bat was.

"It's me prince Nat-" He coughed as you picked up your bat walking over to the curtain that separated the balcony from the room.

"I do not want to see you."

"No no please princess give me a chance." He pleaded as you closed your curtain. (P/n) walked towards him growling

"Just leave me alone or you'll A get eaten by (p/n) or B you'll be in a comatose."

Wait a minute..

"Do I know you?"


"You remind me of someone I met in the market place."

"No I have servants who go to the market place for me, in fact I have servants go for those servants!"

I can't mistake that pink hair, those onyx eyes..

"I guess your right." I sighed as I leaned on (p/n).

I don't know why I didn't see it sooner, or why he's not telling me..

"Princess (Y/n).. Your very uh... Punctual!


"I mean beautiful!"

"Mmm I'm rich to you know." You crooned as you eased your way over to him.


"I'm the daughter of a sultan."

"I know."

"A fine prize for any prince to marry." You said as he placed his hands on your balcony wall from your proximity to him.

"Right a prince like you." You started as you traced your hands up his chest. "And every other stuck up piece of shit I met!" You yelled as you flipped his jacket over his face.

The boy I met is dead. Stupid Sting killed him. Whoever this boy is trying to impersonate him,

"Just go jump off the balcony!"

"Yeah right."


"Your right! You aren't some prize to be won, I'll just go now." He sighed as he walked off the balcony ledge.

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